Speeding is a conscious decision by the driver….. and remember this….. For every 15 kph you drive faster than 80kph, you double your chances of being killed if a road accident occurs, - such are the increases in impact forces with increased speed.
1 DEAD February 2004 SPEEDING Kill Your Speed
A few more examples where speeding contributed to loss of control, perhaps also causing tyre failure, and DEATH…….
2 DEAD SPEEDING Kill Your Speed
4 DEAD April 2004 SPEEDING Kill Your Speed
1 DEAD February 2003 SPEEDING Kill Your Speed
Another totally unnecessary tragedy, causing the death of innocent people, where a speeding driver lost control…………
June 2004 SPEEDING Kill Your Speed
THE KEY FOR SURVIVAL: "DEFENSIVE DRIVING" Never drive faster than the posted speed-limit .. always adjust your speed down as traffic and/or road conditions demand. As a driver do not make that conscious decision to over-speed…look what happened to these drivers who ignored that advice…..
..these were all drivers from the same production station in Saudi, coming off shift, FIVE Died
Over-speeding doesn’t always lead to Death, though that is a high risk, no, you may be fined by the ROP, or maybe totally disabled, and live in a wheelchair for the rest of your life…….
You over-speed? Even some-times? Think an accident cannot happen to you? Remember, each and every one of the drivers in these accidents thought exactly the same … “Cannot happen to me”. STUPID ATTITUDE, is it not? Change to: “It could happen to me!”
Kill your speed
Remember Speed kills – Kill Your Speed… Not Yourself or Others H&T SUPERVISOR