Lab Project #1: Datalab Assigned March 12, 2012; due March 22, 2012 @ 11:59 PM Professor Hugh C. Lauer CS-2011, Machine Organization and Assembly Language (Slides include copyright materials from Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, by Bryant and O’Hallaron, and from The C Programming Language, by Kernighan and Ritchie) CS-20113, D-Term 2013 Datalab
Introduction – Datalab Objective — to become more familiar with bit-level representations of integer and floating point numbers Approach — solve a series of “programming puzzles” Each forces you to manipulate the bits of an integer or floating point number Limited as to which operations you can use Graded on correctness, performance, and style! CS-20113, D-Term 2013 Datalab
On-line handout Click on link Projects Requires login to myWPI Read project description at Datalab.docx or Datalab.pdf Select either datalab-handout-32bit.tar (generic 32-bit Linux) or datalab-handout-CCC.tar (CCC systems) CS-20113, D-Term 2013 Datalab
tar xvf datalab-handout-xxx.tar Instructions Expand using tar xvf datalab-handout-xxx.tar Edit file bits.c Contains 15 puzzles See project document, README, & comments in code Use btest to test your solutions Run make to rebuild bits.c and btest Use dlc to autograde your solution Different versions of dlc for different platforms CCC versus generic 32-bit Linux CS-20113, D-Term 2013 Datalab
Instructions (continued) See written handout for additional tools and information E.g., fshow.c, ishow.c Submission via web-based Turnin “Beat the Prof” contest If we can get it working! Use to submit your solution CS-20113, D-Term 2013 Datalab
Questions? CS-20113, D-Term 2013 Datalab