CSC227: Operating Systems Fall 2016
Credit Hours CSC227: Operating Systems Credit Hours: 3 Units Weekly Schedule: Lecture: 3 Hours Tutorial: 1 Hour Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Textbook Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne. "Operating System Concepts", 9th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2013. Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Course Blog Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Start Lectures start in week 1 Tutorials start in week 2 Lecture slides are uploaded on the blog Tutorial Sheets will be weekly uploaded on the blog Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Course Coordinator If you have any problem in the tutorials, please solve it with the TA If your problem is not solved yet, please contact me Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul 6T124 Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Course Objectives By the end of this semester, successful students are able to fully understand the following: What are operating systems? What do they do? What are computer systems? Structure of operating systems The concept of a process Multithreaded programming Process scheduling Process synchronization Main memory Virtual Memory Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Course Contents (1) TOPIC SECTIONS IN THE TEXTBOOK APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF WEEKS Topic 1: Introduction (Chapter 1 in the textbook) 1.1 What Operating Systems Do 1.2 Computer-System Organization 1.3 Computer-System Architecture 1.4 Operating-System Structure 1.5 Operating-System Operations 1.6 Process Management 1.7 Memory Management 1.8 Storage Management 1.9 Protection and Security 1.10 Kernel Data Structures 1.11 Computing Environments 1.12 Open-Source Operating Systems 2 weeks Topic 2: System Structures (Chapter 2 in the textbook) 2.1 Operating-System Services 2.2 User and Operating-System Interface 2.3 System Calls 2.4 Types of System Calls 2.5 System Programs 2.6 Operating-System Design and Implementation 2.7 Operating-System Structure 2.9 Operating-System Generation 2.10 System Boot Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Course Contents (2) TOPIC SECTIONS IN THE TEXTBOOK APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF WEEKS Topic 3: Process Concept (Chapter 3 in the textbook) 3.1 Process Concept 3.2 Process Scheduling 3.3 Operations on Processes 3.4 Inter-process Communication (only 3.4.1) 1.5 weeks Topic 4: Multithreading Programming (Chapter 4 in the textbook) 4.1 Overview 4.2 Multicore Programming 4.3 Multithreading Models 4.4 Thread Libraries 4.6 Threading Issues Topic 5: Process Scheduling (Chapter 6 in the textbook) 6.1 Basic Concepts 6.2 Scheduling Criteria 6.3 Scheduling Algorithms 6.4 Thread Scheduling 2 weeks Topic 6: Process Synchronization (Chapter 5 in the textbook) 5.1 Background 5.2 The Critical-Section Problem 5.3 Peterson’s Solution 5.4 Synchronization Hardware 5.5 Mutex Locks 5.6 Semaphores Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Course Contents (3) TOPIC SECTIONS IN THE TEXTBOOK APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF WEEKS Topic 7: Memory Management strategies (Chapter 8 in the textbook) 8.1 Background 8.2 Swapping 8.3 Contiguous Memory Allocation 8.4 Segmentation 8.5 Paging 8.6 Structure of the Page Table 8.8 Example: ARM Architecture 2 weeks Topic 8: Virtual Memory Management (Chapter 9 in the textbook) 9.1 Background 9.2 Demand Paging 9.3 Copy-on-Write 9.4 Page Replacement 1 week Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Grades Distribution ITEM WEIGHT Final Exam 40% Course Work 60% Activity Weight Assignments 10 Project Quizzes Mid1 15 Mid2 Total 60 Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
The Average of your assignments is taken In each tutorial: You are assigned to solve some problems or questions. The feedback is given to you in the week after. The Average of your assignments is taken Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Please give the names of students in each group by next Sun 25th Sep. Project A few ideas will be proposed on the blog Till week 3, divide yourselves into groups of 4 students each A google sheet will be published The project is reserved for the group who took it first You will have to apply self-reading An oral presentation will be made by each group in week 8 The project is to be submitted in week 13 You will code in Java Please give the names of students in each group by next Sun 25th Sep. Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Quizzes Quiz Number Date Includes till Quiz #1 Tue, Oct 18th Decided on time Quiz #2 Tue, Nov 22nd Popup quizzes may be done without prior notice Average of your quiz Quiz grades is taken Dates are subject to changes No makeups are made for the quizzes Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Written Exams Item Date Includes till Mid1 To be assigned by the Faculty All covered material Mid2 Final Exam Makeups for Mid exams are decided by the Makeup Exam Committee Makeup for the Final is decided by the Department Council Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul
Regulations The following regulations are applied in the course: If the student attendance exceeds 25% of the total number of lectures, labs and tutorials, then she is denied from entering the final exam. No medical excuses are allowed. Plagiarism is not allowed and is severely penalized if it happens. This includes exams and assignments A (-10) is given to identical assignments: this is a warning If plagiarism is repeated by the same student, more severe procedures are undertaken Dr. Soha S. Zaghloul