DTTF/NB479: Dszquphsbqiz Day 33 Announcements: Today: digital cash Tomorrow: quiz on ch. 6-9 8 questions Thursday: presentations Elliptic curves MD5 vulnerabilities Friday: workday for presentations. Anyone needing help can meet me in my office. Questions?
One last (set of) Schneier joke(s) http://geekz.co.uk/schneierfacts/
Digital Cash: goals Electronic: want speed and security Can’t be counterfeited Anonymous: spender’s ID not disclosed to merchant Payment done offline Transferable Divisible (can make change) Okimoto and Ohta: Universal electronic cash, In Proc. Advances in Computing – CRYPTO, 1991
Digital Cash Exercise T&W 11.1 summarizes a system satisfying goals 1-4 (can’t give coins away, a single denomination only) Focus is on preventing fraud due to double-spending Adds lots of complexity Interpret this as “adds lots of equations” Handout Read/skim the 3-page summary of chapter. Do the questions alone or with a partner.