Brazos County Regional P-16 Council Spring 2010 Meeting Dr. Judith G. Loredo Assistant Commissioner for P-16 Initiatives Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Presentation Overview The State of Education in Texas: Why Action Was Needed How College and Career Readiness Standards Support Goals of Higher Education How Texas Higher Education Supports Attainment of CCRS
The State of Education in Texas: Why Action Was Needed
Educational Attainment and Rank Among States – Texas, 2008 (with percentage) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2005 ACS
2006 Educational Attainment, Ages (in percentages) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 ACS
2006 Bachelors Degree or Higher, Ages (in percentages) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 ACS
Source: SAT. SAT Reasoning Test Data, 2009 Source: ACT. Average ACT Scores by State, 2009 ACT: Only 22% of 2009 Texas High School Graduates are College Ready Avg. ACT Scores by State Avg. SAT Scores by State
Texas Higher Education Participation Goal By 2015, close the gaps in enrollment rates across Texas to add 630,000 more students.
Source: U.S.DOE, IPEDS, and Census Bureau Participation Rate, Total Population – 2000 vs. 2005
Percentage of Public H.S. Graduates Entering Texas Higher Ed. is Increasing Approximately 240,000 graduates annually
Note: Asian Americans are not targeted in the plan. Breakdown of Enrollment Growth by Ethnicity (Increase Fall 2000 – Fall 2008) 10.3% 54.5% 40.9%
Source: THECB. Annual Texas Success Initiative Texas Higher Education Assessment/Alternative (THEA/A) Test Report of Student Performance High School Graduating Classes, H.S. Graduates Entering Higher Ed. College-ready (in percentages by H.S. Curriculum)
THECB 1/2010 Total Change From 08 % Change Public Universities 532,22623,0904.5% Public Two-Year Colleges 692,84575, % All Health-Related 21, % Independent Col. & Univ. 120,0112,7892.4% Career Colleges 34,772Heldconstant Total*1,401,208102,1507.9% 74% of increase at two-year colleges
Participation Since 2000: 381,691 Increase (37.4%) 381,691
75% of Growth at Two-Year Colleges Preliminary Total Change From 08 % Change Public Universities 532,88523,7494.7% Public Two-Year Colleges 703,05185, % All Health-Related 21,6131,1925.8% Independent Col. & Univ. 120,5073,2852.8% Total*1,264,286113,7709% *Career College data not included.
Hispanic growth was 37% of the increase between 2008 and 2009 Enrollment Fall 2009 Change from 08 % Chg from 08 % of Total African- American 172,37119, %19% Hispanic404,79137, %37% White661,29532,6905.2%32% Other162,75112,0537.9%11.8% Overall1,401,208102,1507.9%100% *Holds Career College enrollment constant.
Largest increase has been in Hispanic enrollment WhiteHispanicAfrican Am Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 50,000 90,500
Success. By 2015, award 210,000 undergraduate degrees, certificates and other identifiable student successes from high quality programs.
Success: 165,000 Total Bachelors, Associates and Certificates awarded 163, , ,000 THECB 1/2010
Public Institutions Bachelors and Associates targets exceed States 2010 Goal Bachelors Associates THECB 1/2010
Institutional targets for UG awards by ethnicity fall short of 2010 CTG target * Not targeted in the Plan. White* Hispanic African Am. THECB 1/2010
Percentage increase in UG awards at public institutions greatest for underrepresented groups +22% +54% +85% THECB 1/2010
How College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) Support Goals of Higher Education
Texas Goals and CCRS If Texas wants to increase success in college, students must be better prepared for both cultural and academic standards of higher education If Texas wants to increase transfer rates from community to four-year institutions, entry-level courses at all institutions must meet same high minimum standards If Texas wants a true P-16 system of education that is both cost effective and student centered, standards for success must be clear and shared by all.
Communicate postsecondary expectations in same language and format as high school standards Assist high schools in developing activities and programs aligned with postsecondary expectations Provide a frame of reference for entry- level postsecondary courses statewide How CCRS Address Higher Ed Goals
When CCRS? 2006: Texas Legislature mandated development of CCRS as joint effort on the part of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) 2007:Vertical teams of H.S. teachers and college faculty write draft standards in 4 subject areas 2008:Standards adopted by THECB and by TEA Commissioner
When CCRS? CCRS integrated into the TEKS ( ) for ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and CTE. Review and revision (as required) of CCRS on parallel timeline to TEKS review and revision (every 10 years)
CCRS Validation Benchmarked against the best state standards and national standards developed by the College Board and Achieve Validated through alignment study of 1200 course syllabi from relevant entry-level college courses Gap analysis with National Common Core State Standards
Organization of the Standards Set of CCRS for each of the four content areas and a set of cross-disciplinary standards Each area presents knowledge and skill expectations hierarchically in order to reveal the structure of the subject
Organization of the Standards I.Key Content (represented by roman numerals) A.Organizing components (represented by capital letters) 1. Performance Expectation (represented by numbers) a. Performance Indicators (represented by lowercase letters)
CCRS Example II.Reading (Key Concept) A.Locate explicit textual information and draw complex inferences, analyze, and evaluate the information within and across texts of varying lengths. (Organizing Concept) 6.Analyze imagery in literary texts. (Performance Expectation) a.Analyze how imagery reveals theme, sets tone, and creates meaning in literary texts. (Example of Performance Indicator)
Generally...the more standards a student can demonstrate successfully, the more likely it is that he or she will be college-ready. Source: Texas College and Career Readiness Standards, October 2008, p 4
Where are we now?
TEKS Alignment New teams of 10 educators in each core subject 60% Public Education 40% Higher Education 2 co-chairs one from each sector Evaluate whether HS curriculum requirements (TEKS) prepare students for college-level course work Recommend how HS curriculum can be aligned to CCRS SBOE retains authority over curriculum and charged to incorporate CCRS into TEKS
Public Ed Instruction Develop instructional strategies to help prepare students for college-level work Develop minimum standards for curricula, professional development materials, and online support materials for students who need additional assistance in both public and higher education
Higher Ed Gap Analysis CR Special Advisors provided the names of faculty for the review of 18 entry level academic courses critical to student success Many courses were part of core curriculum Others required for certification Others were high enrollment classes at community colleges Faculty submitted syllabi to EPIC and reviewed the CCRS in their respective disciplines, rating the standards from 1 (critical to success) to 3 (not necessary)
Higher Ed Curriculum Alignment Analysis of both faculty responses to CCRS and class syllabus Selected faculty asked to submit further informationclass assignments and student exemplarsfor selected representative entry level courses Final report presented to Coordinating Board October 23, 2008
Higher Ed Curriculum Alignment Subject area % of standards aligned ENGLISH (120 standards)97% MATHEMATICS (169 standards) 87% SCIENCE (137 standards) 85% SOCIAL STUDIES (127 standards)99% CROSS-DISCIPLINE (58 standards)100%
Higher Ed CTE Alignment Duplicated the gap analysis study focusing on 11 entry level CTE courses (examples: accounting, computer technology, Business English, etc) in relation to the cross discipline standards With one exception, all of the courses correlated well with standards Second phase is to analyze CTE course sequences
House Bill 3 EOC Assessments College Readiness Accountability
HB 3 EOC Assessments Implementation Plan Algebra II Field Test : Spring 2010 Operational: Spring 2011 English III Field Test: Spring 2011 Operational: Spring 2012 Apply to freshman entering Source: TEA, Student Assessment Division, June 2009
HB 3: Performance Standards Defines college readiness as the performance level a student must obtain in order to be successful in entry- level college courses in mathematics and English Requires that TEA and CB set the performance standards on Algebra II and English III EOC assessments effective for the school year Standard for College Readiness on the EOCs must be met by students graduating under the Distinguished Graduation Plan Requires EOC CR standard must be met for admission to credit bearing college courses in English and math at ALL public IHEsexcept two (2015)
HB 3: Performance Standards Correlation studies to be conducted on ELA and mathematics EOC assessments to inform standards setting for science and social studies and standards set by Commissioners, if appropriate and performance standards reviewed every 3 years
HB 3: Accountability Commissioner of Education to biennially review and set indicators of quality of learning and student achievement Student achievement indicators must include: Results of TAKS, as appropriate (renamed STAR) Results of EOC assessments which must take into account measures of college readiness Dropout rates High school graduation rates
HB 1 and HB 3 Affect Us All Raise the standards of student achievement Refine learning outcomes in the foundation curriculum Make more consistent the standard and the skill-level and skill-set of incoming college students Increase the rigor of higher education coursework
COOPERATION TEA and THECB coordinate policies and initiatives in support of College Readiness School Districts and Higher Education Institutions partner to streamline education pathways P-16 Councils contribute support, data resources, and momentum
CB Statewide Initiatives to Support the CCRS
Mathematics, Science, and Technology Teacher Preparation Academies : (House Bill 2237) The purpose of these academies is to improve instructional skills of pre-service and certified teachers. Academy participants will prepare students who are college ready in mathematics, science and technology. The purpose of these academies is to improve instructional skills of pre-service and certified teachers. Academy participants will prepare students who are college ready in mathematics, science and technology.
CCRS Faculty Collaboratives 4 Centers of CCRS content expertise will be instituted to support implementation of robust and sustainable common strategies
College Readiness Special Advisors THECB has sponsored College Readiness Special Advisors (CRSAs) at most IHEs Charge was to create momentum for CCRS on their campuses, to build partnerships with regional school districts, and to work with Regional P-16 Councils
Why are CRSAs So Important? Research shows that college and high school faculty do not have common perception of what college is.
IHEs and ISDs Partnerships
Vertical Alignment Purpose is to ensure students have a seamless transition from high school to and through college. Faculty from public/higher education work together using CCRS as the transition point from high school to college. Regional curriculum in the four core areas vertically aligned to continuously build on the previous educational experience, PK through 16.
P-16 Regional Councils Members from public and higher education, business and industry, and community-based organizations. Provide the support educational institutions will need as the new accountability system is activated. Important data resource! Voice of the community Additional funding opportunities
State Level Initiatives
Texas Education Agency and Coordinating Board Together CCRS-TEKS Alignment Project EOC Assessment Implementation Plan Correlation Studies on EOC Assessments Phase II and III Vertical Teams to develop CCRS-TEKS online student support materials and professional development Webinars and Online Supports
Texas Education Agency Web Portal College and Career Readiness Initiatives Middle/HS Intensive Summer/Bridging Programs Early College High Schools T-STEM Texas GEAR UP Algebra Readiness
THECB Initiatives CRI Faculty Collaboratives College Readiness Assignments Pathways Projects Model Vertical-Horizontal Alignment Reference Course Profiles Master College Readiness Special Advisors Strategic Plan for Closing the Gap Funding intiaties to accelerate Closing the Gap for Latino and African American students
THECB Initiatives Test Alignment Study CCRS Validation Study for Nursing and IT Career Clusters AVID-Freshman Seminars – Post Secondary First Line Pilot Adult Basic and Developmental Education Initiatives Bridging Programs
Thank you Dr. Judith G. Loredo Assistant Commissioner of P-16 Initiatives Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board