2013-2014 Teacher Professional Development
August 28 a.m. Teachers Content Kindergarten-5th Grade Classroom Teachers and Teachers of Special Education Students Math Expressions 6-12 Fine Arts, 6-12 World Language, Health Cultivating students' thinking skills and dispositions to deepen content learning
August 28 p.m. All Elementary Staff to Athens Auditorium for Professional Development in Attending to the Needs of English Learners with Jo Guzman Elementary Special Education Resource Room Teachers 1:30-3:10 More On Math
August 28 all day Teachers Content Math 6-8 Content and Practice- Learning for All Social Studies 6-12 Darin Stockdill- Literacy Strategies Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Statistics, Computer Science Textbook Resources for instruction Math 9-12 Common Core- Implications for Learning Science 6-12 Next Gen Science Standards 6-12 ELA and Secondary Special Education, ESL Teachers, Elementary Reading Teachers Strategies for Comprehension Media/Technology Follett Professional Learning Elementary Spanish Collaboration time together Life Skills, Industrial Arts, Career Tech Understanding Curriculum Physical Education Collaboration and Curriculum in Atlas Special Education: All Levels for the following areas: Ancillary, ECP, MiCI, MoCI, ASD and MS-HS Resource Room Special Education: Critical Issues for 2013/2014
Throughout the school year Course meetings Grade level meetings Kindergarten Literacy Learning Grade 3 Teaching and Learning Leaders Grade 4 and 5 Teacher Labs Middle School ELA and Math Teaching and Learning Leaders Troy CLASS, Content Literacy Assessments, Standards and Strategies
Throughout the school year Visible Thinking TeachScape Learn- a comprehensive professional learning system that provides engaging, video-rich learning that is differentiated for educators' needs Focus School Requirements International Baccalaureate TEAM offerings