Archery/Hunter Education Outdoor Education Allatoona High School
Introduction to Archery
History of Archery\
Archery Competition The modern sport of archery originated in England during the 14th century. During this time, the longbow was the English army’s weapon of choice. The English even declared a decree in 1363 that required all Englishmen to practice archery on Sundays and holidays.
Modern Archery Archery was actually apart of the second modern Olympic Games in 1900, but was dropped twenty years later Then in 1972, enough countries became affiliated with the FITA, (The Fédération Internationale de Tir l'Arc) and was restored in the games.
Archery Scoring System We will use this scoring system in class The two Inside Gold's are worth 10-9 The Reds are worth 8-7 Blue is worth 5-6 Black is 3-4 White is worth 1-2 If a shot misses the target completely, a score of 0 is recorded. *If a shot is on or touching the lines of the circle, the next highest circle is the point value that is received.*
The Recurve Bow The bow we will be using during class is called a “Recurve Bow”. This bow requires the user to string the bow before it’s used, and also breakdown the string after use.
The Compound Bow We will also try using a compound bow during class. This bow will already be strung and will be ready to use and shoot. This bow can be easier to hold before release because of the lever system that makes it work.
Safety and Protocol In order to participate in this class you must be safe and follow directions the entire time the archery equipment is being used. PAY ATTENTION AND FOLLOW SIGNALS! No one will touch a bow, approach the shooting line, nock an arrow, shoot at the target, or retrieve their arrows until signal is given by the teacher. Failure to follow this simple protocol will result in no participation and grade deduction for the archery unit.
Set up and Break Down Before and after each class we will have to set up the archery equipment and break it down during the allotted time period. In order to make sure everyone gets enough time to shoot and practice, everyone must help setup and break down the equipment. Everyone needs to help with set up and break down, stay with our group until we finish! .
Archery Steps in Shooting to be Used. On the handout are the steps we will follow before shooting each and every arrow during the archery unit in outdoor education. Take time to learn these steps and remember them, because next class we will be practicing them, and shooting live arrows. Each step will be called out by the teacher, with no steps being skipped, failure to do so will result in no participating and grade deduction.
How to Brace a Recurved Bow
Practice Time… We will begin to practice. Remember to help in setting up the archery equipment and taking it down. Remember to follow directions and set up signals before shooting. Remember safety is very important!
Hunter Education Why Hunt? Why Hunter Education?
Hunter Education: Ethics Know and obey the hunting laws and regulations. Show respect for wildlife and the environment that sustains them. Report vandalism, hunting violations or poaching to law enforcement Actively support legal, safe, and ethical hunting
Hunter Education: Firearm Safety - ACTT ASSUME that every weapon is loaded. CONTROL the muzzle and keep it facing in a safe direction TRIGGER – keep your fingers outside of the trigger guard until you fire the weapon. TARGET – Be sure of your target and what lies beyond.
Tree Stand Safety
Types of Guns file:///C:/Users/wjw18178/Downloads/HuntersEd_ebook.pdf