Degree Tracker: Academic Requirements Online
What is Degree Tracker? Degree Tracker allows you to run an interactive online advising report that you can run any time by logging into Navigator. It will: –Show you your courses and grades and how they fit in your degree program, including core, major and minor requirements –Help you choose your courses for upcoming semesters –Show you missing requirements –Let you create a model of your requirements if you are thinking of changing your major or adding a minor
How do I run my Degree Tracker Report? Log into Navigator and access your Student Home Click on your Academic Home
Click on View my advisement report
To view your Degree Tracker report as a PDF, click on view report as PDF If your advising report considers a requirement satisfied, it will be collapsed. To view all of your requirements and what you are using to satisfy them click on expand all Note: in progress courses (what you are registered for now, incompletes and NG graded courses) satisfy requirements in the report, but you need to complete all coursework in order to meet your requirements for graduation. All incompletes and NG grades must be graded!
You will see your flow sheet year for your primary major. Your general education core requirements (left side of the flow sheet) will show next Note: If you are following a different flow sheet than the one you see on your advising report, please contact the Academic Advising Office for assistance.
Scroll down to see your core requirements. Most requirements will show you a complete course list of the courses you can take to satisfy that requirement.
Lab Science Sequences and Literature Sequence Courses will pull in the first course that you take to satisfy the requirement and tell you what course or courses you can take to fulfill the second half of the sequence. Important Note: Many majors require specific lab science courses– make sure to check any support course requirements later in the advising report before choosing your lab science sequence!
Q, V, W requirements will be checked to make sure you have courses that satisfy the requirement– these courses can be used anywhere in your program and you will see them elsewhere in the report Distribution Electives: The report checks first to make sure you have at least one course in each category and then checks to make sure you have the total number of courses required Important Note: Many majors require specific courses that can be used to satisfy distribution electives. Please check your support courses further down in the report before choosing your distribution electives. You may use other courses to satisfy these requirements, but you will still need to take your support courses for your major.
Support Courses are courses outside your major discipline which are required as part of the major program. Many support courses can be shared with distribution elective or sequence requirements in some cases. Consult with your advisor for more information. Support Courses - Second Major Support courses for the second major will appear further down in the advising report
Other Coursework Undergraduate Other Coursework: This section will show you courses where the credit is not being used to satisfy other requirements in the advising report. You may be able to use this coursework towards free electives. Additional Courses Taken No Credit: It will also show you courses you have taken but for which you have not earned degree credit. Examples: failed courses, withdrawn courses, courses you have repeated for a better grade or courses like MAT90 or ENG100A that do not carry degree credit
Major and Minor Requirements: The advising report will walk you through your major and minor requirements. It will also check your major GPA and cumulative credits earned Important Note: Many majors require you to declare a concentration. If you have not declared a concentration, you may need to run a What-If advising report to see your major requirements.
Substitutions and Exceptions Substitutions will show in the advising report with a note in the Notes column. Important Note: All substitutions will be entered moving forward. If you have received a substitution in the past, you may not see it here until you are being reviewed for graduation clearance.
What-If Reports Run a What-If report if: You want to see what you will need to take if you change your major or concentration You want to see how planned coursework will impact your advising report You want to see what you will need for a new minor or second major.
Click on Create a what-if scenario. Return to My Academics
Click on Create New Report
Make changes to your planned academic majors, minors or concentrations by using the pull-down boxes here. Important Note: Majors and minors are both found under Area of Study. Make sure you have a row for both your major and minor. Your Academic Program is equivalent to the School or College in which your major is housed. Example: Business is in the Bertolon School of Business. Minors are found under any academic program.
Example: This student is changing from a History Major to an English major with a history minor Click on Submit Request when you have finished your scenario and the new What-If advising report will appear
Adding What-If Courses Click on browse course catalog to select the course you want to take
Select the future term in which you want to take the course. When you are ready to run your What- If Report, click on Submit Request. You can add additional courses by clicking on browse course catalog. The course will appear on the report with a question mark to show that the course is a what-if course
The What-If Report will look like the normal advising report but will check your requirements according to your what-if scenario To view your What-If report as a PDF document and save it for future reference, click on view report as pdf.