Experience about teddy bear exchange Presenter : Sheng-an Ye (Andrew)
Self Introduction
Teddy Bear Exchange Project introduction
Card Exchange Project introduction
Participating Countries USA Slovenia Canada Belarus Ukraine Russia Israel Taiwan
Ways of exchange Facebook Email I-earn website Airmail
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) “We combined the problem-based learning with the project. PBL lets students learn about a subject through the experience of solving an open-ended problem and encourage students to hold group discussions.”
Interdisciplinary learning English Arts and Humanities Integrative Activities Information Technology Education “The project can also become a interdisciplinary learning. We use these classes to do the project. It makes us not only learned one-sided but many subjects.”
Our teddy bear - Monica
Gifts for Canada “My class matched a class from Canada. We send some postcards, and we also made some special badges for them.”
Monica in Canada
Teddy bear from Canada - Oreo
Gifts from Canada
Classmate's Feedback Richard: This project gives us a better understanding of other countries. Lillian: We have a good memory with the teddy bear.
Classmate's Feedback Iris: The project opens our vision, I’d like to visit Canada one day. Tim: It is a special experience to share our culture with foreigners.
Classmate's Feedback Anna: We learned English through writing sentences in our cards. Bryant: We want to do some activity like Teddy bear exchange again.
Idea for a new project
Reference materials https://iearn.org http://taiwaniearn.org http://www.zywfjh.kh.edu.tw/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z60DNCQkDQM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0U0rVmSj0w&t=141s
Thank you for listening