Science behind fissures


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Presentation transcript:

Science behind fissures

News report shows fissures/lava

Time lapse

A totality of everything that exists Our Universe A totality of everything that exists

Big Bang

The Big Bang Theory The explosion that created EVERYTHING A point in space where all matter and energy were squished to a single point. EXPLODED, and that explosion continues to grow today

A change or shift in the wavelength of When did this happen? birth of universe 14.4 billion years ago Evidence Expanding Universe Doppler Effect: A change or shift in the wavelength of light.

Doppler Effect

How it works with stars you see? * Object gets closer… wavelength becomes shorter, therefore appears BLUE * Object gets further… wavelength becomes longer, therefore appears RED How it works with stars you see?

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Stars emit light

Star moving away - lines shift to red – long wavelengths (Red Shift) Star moving towards - lines shift to blue – short wavelengths (Blue Shift)

ESRT pg 14 Longer Wavelengths Shorter Wavelengths Decreasing Wavelengths Increasing Wavelengths

Red Shift is most common in the universe, indicating the universe is expanding. Discovered by Hubble.

Normal Spectra Blue Red Star Spectra Red Blue Red Shift

What is the fate of the Universe? Will it expand indefinitely? Will it eventually implode back in on itself? NO ONE KNOWS!!!

Hubble Telescope

10-20 Billion years old! Big Bang Theory Evidence for Expansion: 1. Doppler Effect Red Shift of Light

Galaxies Early astronomers thought the hazy patches in night sky were nebulae, latin word for clouds. TODAY telescopes are powerful enough to see they are NOT but they are galaxies

What is a Galaxy? Systems containing billions of stars.

Milky Way Galaxy…. 10,000 light years Our solar system is found on the outer spiral Contains 100- 200 billion stars Spiral Galaxy SUN 10,000 light years

As late as the turn of the 20th century, astronomers believed that the Sun was effectively at the center of the galaxy, which was synonymous with the center of the universe. The work of Harlow Shapley and Henrietta Leavitt in 1918 displaced the Sun to the outer regions of the galaxy, and observations by Hubble and others proved that the Milky Way was just one galaxy of many (1923). Further study of the motions of the galaxies by Hubble revealed that they were racing away from us and each other: proof of an expanding universe (1929).


The Milky Way Galaxy vs. the Andromeda Galaxy They are on a collision course!!! What will happen when these two galaxies collide? Nothing, they are mostly empty space!

Types of Galaxies * Spiral Galaxy * Elliptical Galaxy * Irregular Galaxy