Finger Breakin’ Fun In order to accomplish the daunting task asked of us, our group has harnessed the spring energy of rat traps. Unfortunately for us, rat traps hurt.
Team Better-Than-You Matt Bible - Likes brown dogs. Jordan Hines - Enjoys chocolate chip muffins. Neal Parikh - Hates long car rides. Brian Petree - Enjoys candy corn.
Project Overview A ball is dropped onto the first rat trap. The ball triggers the other rat traps as it rolls down. The weight goes up every time a rat trap is triggered. Potential energy stored in rat traps raises the weight.
Problems Friction caused by rope touching wood. Angles not steep enough to get good velocity because of height restriction. Springs in rat traps wear out after several uses. Rolling friction of ball further inhibits velocity. Unable to get string to attach to each mouse trap independently in sequence.
The Grand Finale Conclusions: Materials: 5 Pulleys 5 Rat Traps Hooks, Screws, Nails, etc. Wood Bouncy Ball Total Estimated Cost: $15.87 Conclusions: Friction played a greater role than expected. Rat traps hurt.