Office of Quality schools Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SAC Grant Updates
Disclaimer The contents of this meeting were developed under a grant from the Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government
Welcome Back! What we will cover in this session: Monitoring; Fiscal guidance; Program Income; Licensing; KCC Reporting; Payments; Advisory Councils; Budget Amendments; Final Program Reports; and Partners
Where does SAC money come from? Child Care Development Block Grant; Department of Social Services via MOU with DESE which holds competition every three years and provides oversight.
Hours/Days Minimum four days per week; Minimum 13 hours per week
Licensing As per the MOU with DSS all SAC programs must be licensed within one (1) year of receiving funding; Once licensed SAC programs must maintain license in order to continue to serve kids Accreditation is no longer mandatory.
Kids Care Center In order to receive reimbursement Kids Care attendance must be entered by the 15th of the previous month.
Program Income Income generated by program (fees, etc.) must be individually tracked, spent within the grant year, and on expenditures related to, and compliant with the grant.
Monitoring There are two types of monitoring: Onsite; and Phone
Onsight Monitoring No reason to get nervous it’s literally like having a copy of the test before you take it; You are notified months in advance; The monitoring tool is literally the same document we use on site; Read the directions and please fill out the monitoring tool before we arrive on-site.
Monitoring Process We monitor both program and fiscal which means you will want to get to know the district or organizations bookkeeper. We let you know in advance what programming year we are monitoring and which RFR’s; Usually the program side is fairly smooth, it’s the fiscal side that can get bumpy.
Common Findings Time and effort; Financial documentation not prepared; Not following policies/procedures
Fiscal Monitoring Full disclosure I am not an accountant and I’m guessing most of you here aren’t either so that you are familiar I’ll give you the cliff notes version of what we are looking at:
Cliff Notes We usually select two RFR’s to balance so your bookkeeper will need to provide us with: General Ledger with coding reflecting period requested; All backup including time and effort, receipts, justifications, and inventory.
Project Codes
Inventory Most of our findings came with the inventory and it wasn’t that equipment and walkable supplies weren’t logged, it was the actual inventory itself was missing categories. Literally even if it’s not applicable you need to have each category on the next slide represented.
We are looking for the districts policies and procedures for: Procurement; Travel; Cash management; and Allowability When we are onsite we monitor to make sure you are following them
Professional Development We are looking for the districts/organizations policies and procedures for: Procurement; Travel; Cash management; and Allowability When we are onsite we monitor to make sure you are following them
Kids Care Portal pages/ px
The Grant is your Plan You’ve submitted and been awarded a competitive grant that many others did not receive. Changes to sites, grades served, activities, or anything else must be submitted to your supervisor for approval.
Partnerships Partnerships are an integral part of the success of your program. Make sure you are utilizing partners identified in your application and seek out new ones.
Budget Basics Continuation Reports (and Applications) Make sure your budget adds up; This may sound obvious but this slows up our ability to get the reports routed which means a much longer time awarding you. While your budget will go into ePeGS we will have to approve them on paper first in the Continuation Report, once approved you will enter them in the system and the system will deal with the math.
Budget Basics At some point your supervisor should be aware of any purchase for example a 3-D printer: Should have been approved on original application; Continuation Report; or Budget Amendment Just because we are moving to ePeGS there is still no 10% variance
Budget Basics RFR’s will be generated through ePeGS as will budget amendments however: All budget amendments must be done on paper (the usual way) once I have approved on paper Kim will approve in the system.
Budget Amendments Last year was a rough year for late(r) in the year budget amendments (especially large ticket items). Amendments are needed throughout the year but large-scale amendments especially in supplies and equipment late in the year point to a lack of planning.
Spending your Award We had several programs not spend their award last year this presents a problem: It gives the appearance that the program didn’t need the money which can give the appearance that our state doesn’t need the money. If other states have the same issue it’s not good for anyone.