HTML Crash Course for Educators Basic Web Design TPSD Professional Development By Amy Johnson
Basic Web Page Creation Basic HTML tags Headers, Titles, & Paragraphs Stylized Text and Other Tricks Hypertext Links Intermediate HTML Design Using Images Conclusion: Putting It All Together
Basic HTML Tags
Headers, Titles, and Paragraphs Headers Used to denote main headings and subheadings: go from 1 to 6 Show relative importance of information This is H1 This is H1 This is H2 This is H2 This is H3 This is H3 This is H4 This is H4
Titles Title Tags Titles appear a the top and center of a web browsers open window. Here is my title
Paragraph & Break Tags surround a paragraph of info. This tag will add a small amount of space before the next paragraph. (single-sided tag) Starts the next word on the next line No space is left between lines
Stylized Text and Other Tricks Physical Styles Used to Bolden text. Used to italicize text. Used to create typewriter or fixed-width text. Logical Styles Used for citing a source or emphasizing of a point. (see handout)
Horizontal Rules & Center Tag Will put a line In the place of x put how long you want the line to be. Creates a wide short line Center Tag:
Hypertext Links Link to Other Documents Using Example: Tupelo Schools Link to Me
Lists Unnumbered Lists Eenie Meanie Eeanie Miney Meanie Mo Miney Mo
Lists Ordered Lists 1. Eenie 2. Meanie Eenie 3. Miney Meanie 4. Mo Miney Mo
Using Images Create a folder called images inside your webpage folder
Putting It All Together See the final results Final Page