Sexting & cyberbullying Social media Sexting & cyberbullying
Auto-Correct Humanity
digital detox? 91% OF 16-24 YEAR OLDS USE SOCIAL MEDIA AS THEIR ONLY FORM OF INTERACTION WITH PEOPLE SOCIAL MEDIA IS LINKED WITH INCREASED RATES OF ANXIETY, DEPRESSION AND POOR SLEEP SOCIAL MEDIA IS DESCRIBED AS MORE ADDICTIVE THAN CIGARETTES AND ALCOHOL ACCORDING TO CAREER BUILDER, 70% OF EMPLOYERS USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO SCREEN THEIR CANDIDATES BEFORE HIRING 1) Have people in your life ever complained about how much time you spend on your Phone? 2) Has your school work ever suffered due to electronic devices? 3) Does the time you spend on-line cut into the time you should be sleeping? 4) Do you feel anxious when you don’t have access to your phone? 5) do you find yourself spending more time on-line than you were planning?
Who sees what you post?
With your partner discuss the positives and negatives of social media With your partner discuss the positives and negatives of social prepared to share. Positive negative
You are illegally engaging in sexting if you knowingly or on purpose WHAT IS SEXTING? You are illegally engaging in sexting if you knowingly or on purpose Send show or keep a picture or video Of a MINOR– including yourself – engaging in "sexual conduct".
How to say NO… AGREE, but still say NO! Take the offense Spell it out! CHANGE the subject… AGREE, but still say NO! Spell it out! Take the offense TELL it like it is. PLAY dumb -Your friend says: Let’s take some sexy photos. It’ll be fun. -You: Hmm…did you watch …last night on TV? It was so funny! -I want to have pictures of you to look at. -I know you do, but there is NO way I’m doing that so drop it! -We don’t get why you don’t do this. -I don’t get why you won’t take no for an answer. -I want a picture of you. Hannah has one of Alex. -Well… That’s Alex, NOT me! -Come on, everyone’s doing it! Everyone? You mean every single person in the world? Amazing!!!- -The picture will be just for us. Who’s going to know? -I will.
POSSESSION vs PROMOTION Promotion cont Having actual Care Custody Control or management of material that shows another minor engaging in sexual conduct Procure (to get/obtain) Manufacture (you made it) Issue Sell Give Provide Lend Mail Deliver Transfer Transmit Publish Distribute Circulate Disseminate Present Exhibit Advertise Agree to do any of the above, sexually-explicit or sexually- suggestive images or video via mobile device or computer Technically, the law uses the terms "promotion" and "possession" when referring to sending and keeping illegal "visual material".
Misdemeanor Consequences Class C misdemeanor Class B misdemeanor Class A misdemeanor Up to $500 fine Sexting promotion or possession if it is a first-time offense, and you are a minor Up to $2,000 fine 180 days in jail Or both Sexting if you are a minor and you promoted visual material with intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, embarrass, or offend someone Have previously been convicted for sexting Up to $4,000 fine One year in jail Sexting if you are a minor and you have previously been convicted one or more times of promoting the visual material with intent to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, embarrass, or offend someone Have previously been convicted for general sexting promotion or possession two or more times
Consequences of Sexting (5 minutes) Felony Consequences Third Degree Felony Second Degree Felony A fine not to exceed $10,000.00 At least two years in prison, but no more than 10 years You can be charged with a third degree felony for possession of child pornography if you are at least 18 years old. A fine not to exceed $10,000 At least 2 years in prison, but no more than 20 years You can be charged with a second degree felony for promotion of child pornography as either a minor or as an adult. Will have to be on the registered sex offenders list Consequences of Sexting (5 minutes)
Have you ever… These are all examples of…. Cyberbullying Been in a group text where one person outside the group is being targeted with negative comments Created a fake account about another person or seen a fake account created with the intention to write negative comments Seen a negative comment posted about somebody on a social media app Liked a negative comment about somebody else Played an on-line game and started ganging up on one player These are all examples of…. Cyberbullying
David’s Law
What type of bullying does David's law include? Encouraging another student to commit suicide (i.e. suicide baiting), Inciting (encouraging) violence against another student, or Releasing indecent photos of another student
David’s Law Education Code Civil Code Texas public schools will have authority to address cyberbullying that happens off campus. Schools will notify both the parents of the student being bullied and the one doing the bullying. Cyberbullies can be expelled School procedure for reporting bullying includes an anonymous report for students. David’s law makes it easier to get an injunction (like a protective order) This injunction can be again the bully, and their parents The Texas Supreme Court has made easy to use forms available to allow parents to obtain the injunction to prevent ongoing cyberbullying.
Knowing what you know now….what can you do?
PSAT Exam Wednesday, October 10, 2018
PSAT Information Resources for PSAT Practice for PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10 visit: SAT practice SAT subject tests Visit Khan Academy to get free, personalized PSAT/SAT practice questions Set up an account with college board The psat is aligned to the sat Your junior year your psat scores can qualify you for national merit scholarships