Pattern Recognition Ku-Yaw Chang Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Da-Yeh University
22004/2/24Pattern Recognition Course Information Reference books E. Gose and R. Johnsonbaugh, 1996, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Prentice Hall (ISBN: ) E. Gose and R. Johnsonbaugh, 1996, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Prentice Hall (ISBN: ) M. Nadler and E. Smith, 1993, Pattern Recognition Engineering, John Wiley & Sons (ISBN: ) M. Nadler and E. Smith, 1993, Pattern Recognition Engineering, John Wiley & Sons (ISBN: )
32004/2/24Pattern Recognition Course Information Grading criteria Attendance: 20% Attendance: 20% Roll call (10%) Public expression (10%) Presentation: 30% Presentation: 30% Final examination (alternative)
42004/2/24Pattern Recognition Course Information Grading criteria Project: 50% Project: 50% Research diary (25%) Hand in/return every Tuesday (Optional) Hand in/return every Tuesday (Optional) Possible public discussion in class Possible public discussion in class Documentation (15%) Demonstration (10%)
52004/2/24Pattern Recognition Course Information Research diary Audience: yourself Audience: yourself Example Example2/19 1.Search the applications of PR on the Internet. character recognition; speech recognition; dynamic patterns in handwriting characters ml ml 2.Character recognition seems to be very interesting. 3.Consider the possible ways of data input
62004/2/24Pattern Recognition Course Information Required background Programming language Programming language C/C++ or Java Image processing Image processing Using available resources/tools are Allowed Allowed Encouraged Encouraged
72004/2/24Pattern Recognition Course Goal Knowing how to find and use available resources Being able to complete a small-scale program Having solid experiences in pattern recognition
82004/2/24Pattern Recognition Optional Homework Pattern Recognition What is it ? What is it ? What are its applications in our daily life ? What are its applications in our daily life ? What kind of application you would like to realize in your project ? What kind of application you would like to realize in your project ? Hand in Paper submission Paper submission Public presentation (strongly preferred) Public presentation (strongly preferred) Mail your powerpoint file to me beforehand
92004/2/24Pattern Recognition Assistant Wanted Main jobs Prepare a projector before classes Prepare a projector before classes Return a projector after classes Return a projector after classes Additional points are rewarded. A F A F
102004/2/24Pattern Recognition Feedback Do you have any Window programming experience? Window programming experience? C++ is preferred Image processing experience? Image processing experience? Do you work smart with a positive attitude?
112004/2/24Pattern Recognition See you next time!