Universal Forces By Kennan And Nate D.
Electromagnetic FORCES These forces are the only ones that can both attract and repel. These forces are associated with particles in the universe (hence the name) ELECTRIC FORCE
Electric force Electric force acts between charged objects or particles like electrons and neutrons with the opposite charges (Positive and Negative) which attract. But like forces don’t attract, but force themselves away. (-,-) (+,+)
Magnetic Force This force acts upon certain metals, poles of magnets, and moving charges. Magnets have two poles, North and South that attract the opposite poles. NORTH SOUTH
NUCLEAR FORCES •Strong and Weak nuclear forces •work at the molecular level keeping protons, neutrons, and vital components for an atom together with the nucleus.
STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE This is a powerful force of attraction that acts upon protons and Neutrons An attractive force that acts over a short range that acts upon all particles, not just protons and neutrons.
* A Force that pulls GRAVITY
GRAVITY OVER DISTANCE Force is equal to mass between objects The Farther away, the weaker the attraction becomes The Sun Exerts gravity