Infrastructure Standards Model


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Presentation transcript:

Infrastructure Standards Model - Standardising Engineering Requirements Across Victoria Chris Newman Local Government Victoria - DPCD

Councils Reforming Business (CRB) Originally funded in 2007 - $4.7m Partnership between DPCD and MAV Refunded to 2012 Working together across State and Local Government (and Federal) and with industry Focus on boosting efficiency, reducing costs and providing better services to communities. CRB is a partnership initiative between the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) and the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) to identify opportunities to improve services in the local government sector. The program assists councils to work with each other, the Victorian Government and other stakeholders to develop and implement new programs to boost efficiency, reduce costs and provide better services to communities. Councils are being supported in five priority areas: Procurement Better Practice Local Laws Online Services Shared Services Affordable Housing

CRB Current Focus Areas Supporting Reform of foundation LG activities Procurement Asset Management & Infrastructure ICT Strategy and Interactions Financial Management Local Law Making Reducing Burdens on Business Better Practice Building Site Management EasyBiz – OnLine Systems and Forms

Why Collaborative Reform? Shared Federal, State and local government priorities and policy goals Integrate local government into the National Reform Agenda Address capacity issues for local government Significant savings available for both councils and business The Victorian Local Government Procurement Strategy identified savings of between $180-350 million per year that could be made in the procurement area through increased council collaboration and good practice procurement Increased focus reflects shared Federal, State and local government priorities Integrate local government in the National Reform Agenda Address capacity issues for local government Significant savings and performance opportunities available for both councils and business

Why focus on Procurement? Vital role in delivering council and community objectives Cutting costs Maintaining probity Creating local employment Achieving social and sustainable outcomes Represents a large component of council activity and expenditure Victorian local governments spend over $3 billion each year More than half of councils’ overall expenditure Plays an increasingly vital role in delivering council and community objectives Cutting costs Maintaining probity Creating local employment Achieving social and sustainable outcomes Represents a large component of council activity and expenditure Victorian local governments spend over $3 billion each year More than half of councils’ overall expenditure Increased focus on sector wide collaboration and the streamlining of council practices One of the fundamentals to council success and long-term viability

Procurement Excellent Program LG Procurement Strategy - 2009 13 pilot projects New training programs Procurement Excellence Program – 2010-2011 Regional and Council Roadmaps for procurement development New Suite of Procurement Excellence Tools New Collaborative Procurement Grants Program Expansion of the Engineering Standards Project

Why Engineering Standards? Inconsistent standards (eg: 90 kerb and channel profiles in Gippsland) No Opportunities for Collaboration Requirements unclear for Developers/ Contractors Outdated standards No standards at all

Current Projects Victorian Regional Infrastructure Design Manual Growth Areas Engineering Standards Manual Overseen by ‘Infrastructure Standards Committee’

Victorian Regional Infrastructure Design Manual Based on the initiative of Campaspe/ Bendigo and Shepparton Councils Additional CRB pilot project to implement across 6 Gippsland Councils Now 19 regional Councils participating Standard drawings being completed Reviewed regularly by reps from across participating councils

Gippsland Process Led by Regional Management Forum Procurement Group Building on existing work Engage across Councils Ensure standards meet topographical needs Consult with industry Implementation process and integration with planning documented Adoption through councils (underway)

Growth Areas Authority Engineering Standards Manual Growth Area Councils and Growth Area Authority Urban standard prepared – Focus on Subdivisions Final consultation in June To be launched in August

Benefits Share costs to review and maintain standards Shared risk Greater certainty for developers, contractors Less redesign - less time lost Skill portability between Councils Improve land affordability Effective implementation of best practice Opportunities to share knowledge/ experience Share capability development and training

Infrastructure Design Committee Council Reps Growth Area Councils North Central Region Gippsland Councils Geelong Other Reps DPCD, VicRoads, Growth Areas Authority MAV, IPWEA UDIA, CCF, ALDE

Infrastructure Design Committee - Key Initiatives Roll-out Program Integration with Planning reform New Streetworks Code of Practice Training and Capability Development New links with VicRoads standards Strengthen links with Service Providers Integrate with specifications and broader procurement processes Interface with National Initiatives

Roll-out Program Targeted regional workshops with IPWEA Part of roll-out of Procurement Excellence Program Close link to Asset Management Framework delivery Contacts to get involved: Councils Reforming Business (LGV) City of Greater Shepparton Growth Areas Authority

The Councils Reforming Business program presents a great opportunity for councils and industry partners to participate. To get involved in the program or for further information, please contact Chris Newman, Manager of Councils Reforming Business, on (03) 9651 7280 or Alternatively, please visit the Councils Reforming Business website at