Berni Durham-Jones ILT Practitioner Yale College Moodle: PSE Gateway 14to19 eLearning Network
PSE Gateway The gateway is a specific place for students to access information relating to PSE. The intention is for the course to feel like a student area and to have its own identity. The theme is completely different from any other courses on Moodle. Information is also available including the induction pack, student handbook as well as general quizzes and puzzles, web links, videos. The course went live in October 08 – open to all students and still in its infancy
PSE Gateway Students can access each area by clicking on the appropriate sticky block
PSE Gateway – Discussion Forum Students can participate in the discussion forum
PSE Gateway – Quizzes and Puzzles Students can undertake specific activities at their own leisure.
14to19 eLearning Portal Pupils from schools who are attending courses at Yale – can access course materials through the network. Pupils logon to their own school moodle and access the 14to19 portal which allows them to enrol on courses.
14to19 eLearning Network Pupils log on to their moodle site and then click on the link
14to19 eLearning Network Once they are in the network they can then access the appropriate course to first enrol on a course. This shows where they have logged in from
Once enrolled on a course they can then go back to their home (school) moodle site. The remote courses will be added under the My courses section 14to19 eLearning Network