Life During the War.


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Presentation transcript:

Life During the War

Definitions Contrabands: Escaped Slaves Habeas Corpus: Constitutional right to protection from unlawful imprisonment

Freeing the Slaves Three Problems Lincoln faced in freeing slaves: Northerners were prejudice and might lose war support Some Northerners thought slaves were legal property The Constitution didn’t give the President power to end slavery

Freeing the Slaves Initially Lincoln only freed the slave: In the Confederate States September 22, 1862: Union wins at Antietam This encouraged: Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation

African Americans and the War July 1862: Congress allows army to enlist African Americans as laborers By Spring of 1863: African Americans were fighting with the Union Army

African Americans and the War 54th Massachusetts: Consisted mostly of free African Americans Played a key role in the attack on Fort Wagner, SC. Most famous black unit of the war

African Americans How many black soldiers for the union: 180,000 Less pay Confederates killed black prisoners or sold them into slavery Lincoln gave some blacks the right to vote

Problems in the North Copperheads: Democrats who spoke out against the war Lincoln suspended: Habeus Corpus March 1863 Congress implemented: The 1st draft (Riots & Protests)

Southern Struggles Three Southern Problems: Blockade limited their supplies and trade (Prices Up) Riots Government disagreements (The Draft)

Southern Struggles Several Southern cities had: Food Riots Southern draft didn’t include: Large slave owners

Life on the Home Front Too old or young for service meant you: Worked in factories/farms Clara Barton formed what would be the: Red Cross

Death Twice as many soldiers died of disease compared to combat.