PA History Review 1) Quakers, Society of Friends 2) Pennsylvania 3) Amish 4) Mild Climate, Rich Soil, Plentiful Rainfall 5) Agribusiness 6) Harrisburg
PA History Review The farm show started in 1917 as a way for farmers to get together and talk about farming. They wanted a way to share ideas and gain valuable information from each other. Today, most people that attend the farm show do not have anything to do with farming. Most people visit the Farm Show to view the animals, eat at all the food vendors, and drink the famous milkshakes.
PA History Review 7) Steel 8) Dairying, milk, ice cream 9) Pittsburgh 10) Anthracite 11) Amish 12) African Americans 13) Lancaster 14) English, Agricultural 15) Native Americans
PA History Review 16) Andrew Carnegie 17) Berks, Lancaster 18) Iron
PA History Review 19) The Native Americans were negatively affected by the most of the immigrants coming to the New World. The immigrants fought with the natives and pushed them off their lands. Many battles were fought between the immigrants and as a result many Natives moved westward. Not all relationships were bad however. William Penn and the PA colony were able to coexist and have a good relationship with the Natives. This is one of the key factors that helped Penn’s Colony be successful.
PA History Review 20) Philadelphia: located on Delaware River, good harbor for shipping, etc. Southeast PA farming: wheat, corn, etc. Interior Berks, Lancaster counties: farming Delaware: Ship building Lancaster County: Conestoga wagon Saw mills, grist mills, throughout
PA History Review 21) religious freedom to worship, Freedom of speech, freedom of the press protection from cruel and unusual punishment, no tax increases without vote, trial by jury The right to participate in government
PA History Review 22) For over 100 years, PA was the “steel capital of the world”. The coming of mass-produced steel in the 1870’s created a modern industrial society in Pennsylvania. Workers in the steel mill made good money and PA steel was used on major construction projects around the world.
PA History Review