10/27/2010 Direct on-line reporting of course activity
You Must Know Your ID Number DO NOT CREATE YOURSELF AS A NEW USER FOR ANY REASON – IF YOU DO THE SYSTEM WILL NOT SEE YOU AS AN INSTRUCTOR! Use only your instructor identification number
Password starts as Welcome1
Drop down for Course Record Administrator
Click New Course Record
Only the Organizations With Which You Are Affiliated Will Pull Down
Click on the Picker (not the magnifying glass)
Use the picker feature to search Using the % sign before a word is a Wildcard!
Pick the appropriate course %HSSSFA101 will pull up stand-alone first aid %HSSSFA102 will pull up CPR Adult %HSSSFA103 will pull up Child CPR %HSSSFA104 will pull up Infant CPR %HSSSFA 107 will pull up Adult CPR/AED %HSSSFA 201 will pull up Adult & Child CPR %HSSSFA 205 will pull up CPR/AED Adult plus CPR Child %HSSSFA301 will pull up Adult/Infant/Child CPR %HSSSFA401 will pull up first aid plus Adult CPR %HSSSFA404 will pull up first aid plus Adult CPR/AED %HSSSFA406 will pull up first aid plus Adult & Child CPR %HSSSFA413 will pull up first aid plus Adult, Child and Infant CPR %HSSPRO101 will pull up CPR Professional Healthcare Provider or CPR for Lifeguards %HSSPRO103 will pull up Emergency Response %HSSPFA101 will pull up Dog First Aid %HSSPFA102 will pull up Cat First Aid %HSSPFA201 will pull up Dog & Cat First Aid %HSSAQU402 will pull up Lifeguard (includes first aid & CPR) %HSSAQU403 will pull up Waterfront Lifeguard (first aid & CPR) %HSSAQU2 will pull up a list of the various swim levels
Now enter the date, number of students and location of the course – at the top of the page will be a sheet number – write it down in case you need to save and come back to your record
Scroll down to pick the appropriate certificate option and then click to save
Page refreshes – scroll down to click on add instructor
Enter Your Instructor Number and click search
Pick Yourself and then click select and close
You can repeat adding instructors for any co-instructors and when done, make any comments you wish to and then click next
Scroll Down when the next page appears
Note on the next page that as many grade columns appear as components to your course (eg First Aid, AED, Adult CPR) There are three grades, successful = pass, unsuccessful = fail, not evaluated = either audit or did not take that component At least first and last name and a grade in each component of the course is required
Click review to continue or save to store as a draft
Once reviewed click confirm to continue
Purchase Orders vs Pay-at-Time Most users will need to be prepared to use a credit card to pay at the time the record is created and submitted. Some users will be assigned a Purchase Order number by the chapter Once you have created your course record the payment section appears Others may show a zero fee due because of prepayment of annual bulk-use charges.
Once your payment has been recorded read and check the agree box and then click submit
Once your course record has been approved you receive a notification; go in as Course Record Admin
Select approved and click search
Pick the appropriate course – go to the right, click on print certificates and follow prompts
Certificates appear in Crystal Reports – Click on the Export Button
Select Adobe (PDF) – Insert Card Stock and Print Certificates
OK, youre done unless you want to know the specifics about reporting Learn to Swim Programs…if you do, please continue!
Swim Program Reporting If you are reporting using an annual pre- paid bulk rate – when you start your course record, select only the organization with swim in the title Each Authorized Provider that has opted for bulk swim rate annually will be provided with a separate organization number (Authorized Provider number) that will be used to report swimming activity –This reporting will not have a fee associated with it.
As soon as you pick a swim level object the screen will change
Once you click the box above you do not need to enter names