Time is Running Out to Save Fairport’s Ash Trees Emerald Ash Borer is a small, green beetle that feeds under the bark of ash trees. They have infested our ash trees but, in many cases, the trees are healthy enough to be saved. Once dead, ash trees break apart easily, creating a public health hazard. “S” shaped tunnels under the bark Small, 3/4” metallic green beetles Thin/dead branches Trunk sprouts Excessive woodpecker activity 1/8” “D” shaped exit holes Bark splitting If your ash tree is still healthy it may be saved! Consult with an ISA Certified Arborist as soon as possible to see if your tree is a good candidate for injection. If not, removing it while it’s still living is safer than removing it once it’s dead. Emerald Ash Borer information and links can be found at http://nyis.info/eab