MH Thank you Mr. Chair, Good Morning Everyone


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Presentation transcript:

MH Thank you Mr. Chair, Good Morning Everyone Today I am here with Melissa Markham and Kirstin Maxwell to provide Township and Town Council, the Planning and Economic Development Committee at the District, as well as the public, information on the Langmaid’s Island development proposal submitted by MHBC Planning on behalf of Langmaids Island Corp As the Chair mentioned, this development involves a number of interrelated applications – an official plan amendment and associated zoning/development permit by-law amendment for the island property which were submitted to the Township, a subdivision application submitted to the District for both the island and the mainland properties and two zoning amendment applications submitted to the Town of Huntsville for the two mainland properties.

MH Location: The lands subject to these applications include Langmaid’s Island in Lake of Bays, which is in the Township of Lake of Bays as well as two mainland properties which are located in the Town of Huntsville. Langmaid’s Island is approximately 59.5 hectares (147 acres) in size and the two mainland properties, located at 3933 (Block A) and 4215 (Block B) South Portage Road (District Road 9) are 0.1 hectare (0.25 acre) and 1.17 hectares (2.89 acres) respectively. Each of these mainland properties also have frontage on Lake of Bays. The property located at 4215 South Portage Road contains Beauview Resort, which is an operating housekeeping cabin style resort.

Block A Block B MH Langmaid’s Island contains an abandoned cottage, boathouse and associated outbuildings and is currently well vegetated with mature mixed forest cover with several substantial cliffs and rock barren areas as well as two natural sand beaches. Block A is currently undeveloped and well vegetated with mixed forest vegetation and Block B is currently developed with an operating commercial housekeeping cottage resort consisting of six rental cabins. The surrounding land uses are waterfront residential in nature.

Site Photos MH

Plan of sub MH Overall Development Proposal: The overall purpose of the development applications is to create a total of 36 waterfront residential lots on Langmaid’s Island with a minimum lot frontage of 143 metres (469 feet) and minimum lot area of 0.8 hectares (2 acres) through a plan of subdivision. The two mainland properties are blocks on the plan of subdivision and are intended to provide mainland access to and parking for the proposed island lots by way of an easement. Block A (3933 South Portage Road) has approximately 42 metres (138 feet) of frontage on South Portage Road (District Road 9) and is proposed to contain up to 20 parking spaces for the proposed island lots. Block B (4215 South Portage Road) has approximately 133 metres of frontage on South Portage Road (District Road 9) and is proposed to contain a minimum of 110 additional parking spaces for island lots. Shuttle service is also proposed to be operated by the resort from the mainland to Langmaid’s Island. The island development is proposed on the basis of private individual on-site water and sewage disposal services and each waterfront residential lot will be water access only. Here is a copy of the actual draft plan of subdivision Seagull Island is not part of this proposal

Supporting Documentation Planning Justification Report Functional Servicing Report (including stormwater management) Stormwater Management and Construction Mitigation Plans (for two mainland properties only) Stage 1 and 2 Archaeological Assessment (for Langmaid’s Island only) Environmental Impact Studies (one for Langmaid’s Island, and one for each mainland property) Heritage Impact Assessment Report (for Langmaid’s Island only) Boating Impact Assessment MH A number of technical reports were submitted in support of the proposed development, including… Peer Review of EIS done by 3rd party consultant on behalf of DMM. Peer reviews of Heritage and BIA done by 3rd party consultants on behalf of Township… FSRs and SWMs sent to EPW departments at DMM, Township and Town for review

Public Notification Written notification of the Public Meeting was mailed to all required agencies and every property owner within 120 metres of the subject property on April 25, 2017. Notice was also printed in the Muskoka Region newspaper on April 26 and May 31. The applications were circulated to all required municipal departments. Signs posted on the subject lands. MH

Township of Lake of Bays Official Plan Amendment amendment to permit the creation of new lots on Langmaid’s Island proposing to revise Official Plan policies that relate to the Langmaid’s Island Muskoka Heritage Area MM the subject lands are designated Waterfront and are identified as a “Muskoka Heritage Area” within the Township of Lake of Bays Official Plan Prior to consideration of any development proposal in a heritage area or site, an impact assessment is to be undertaken, such impact assessment will determine whether the development should be permitted, ensure that the features, function and values that make that area or site important can be preserved, and identify appropriate mitigation measures to be implemented. the Langmaid’s Island Muskoka Heritage Area policies (Section D.96 to D.100) state the following: The values identified on the Island as a heritage area of regional significance The creation of new lots on the Island or substantial development will be discouraged in order to retain this as a natural and undisturbed area and retain its important values Requiring where further development of the island is proposed beyond the existing development site, as impact assessment will be undertaken in order to better identify, locate and evaluate the values of the area and to ensure that development can occur in a location and manner which will ensure the preservation of these values; and Where it is not feasible to preserve the whole island in its natural state, protection of important areas and features of the island that have been identified through impact assessment will be accomplished by: dedication of land or conservation easements or private land stewardship and zoning The applicant has submitted an Official Plan Amendment application to amend the Township of Lake of Bays Official Plan to: Clarify policies related to lands within the Langmaid’s Island Muskoka Heritage Area Allow for the creation of 36 lots for residential uses; and Update and scope values identified in the original “Muskoka Heritage Areas” Report (1983) to reflect the findings of more detailed and recent study and assessment.

Township of Lake of Bays Zoning By-law Amendment MM The applicant’s have submitted an application to amend the Township of Lake of Bays Development Permit By-law. The applicants are proposing to rezone the island: from a Waterfront Residential Development Permit Area to a site specific zone to permit the development of 36 residential lots to a Waterfront Environmental Protection Development Permit Area (identified in pink/red), which permits conservation uses to a Waterfront Open Space Development Permit Area (identified as green hatching), which permits structures accessory to an abutting residential development permit area, individual access point, public park and conservation uses, of which the applicant is proposing only conservation uses

Township of Lake of Bays Zoning By-law Amendment Zone Provisions Permitted Proposed Minimum Lot Area for new lots Existing area 0.8 ha. (1.98 ac.) Minimum Water Frontage for new lots Existing frontage 90 m. (295 ft.) Minimum Shoreline Yard Setback (Lake of Bays) 20 m. (65.6 ft.) Minimum Number of Parking Spaces (waterfront landing) 3 parking spaces per lot + 0.33 visitor parking spaces per lot 3 parking spaces per lot Maximum Number of Dwellings per lot 1 2 on lots greater than 4.0 ha. (maximum ground floor area of dwellings and sleeping cabins on a lot does not exceed 1,128 sq. m. (12,141 sq. ft.) Maximum Number of Sleeping Cabins on a lot 3 (max. ground floor area of dwellings and sleeping cabins on a lot does not exceed 564 sq. m. (6,070 sq. ft.) MM The chart identifies the proposed development standards for residential development on the 36 lots within the draft plan of subdivision

Agency Comments District of Muskoka EPW MNRF KM

Summary of Public Comments Langmaid’s Island – Themes of Concerns Density/Number of proposed lots, location and number of building envelopes Environmental impact (incl. water quality, fish and wildlife, vegetation, septic systems, shoreline activity area, fragmentation) Impact on environmental and scenic values of the Muskoka Heritage Area, lack of dedication of land for conservation purposes Construction impacts, particularly on slopes and barge traffic Noise and light pollution Boat and traffic and congestion, especially in narrow waterbody Impact on local character of the area MM/MH

Zoning – 3933 S Portage Rd KM 3933 South Portage Road is a vacant lot and currently zoned Shoreline Residential One. The applicant is proposing to amend the zoning to permit a waterfront landing as the primary use. Parking would be provided for up to 20 vehicles, with a dock that would accommodate mooring for 10 boats. A gazebo and garbage enclosure are also proposed on this lot.

Zoning – 4215 S Portage Rd KM These lands are zoned Shoreline Commercial One and permit a tourist establishment. The rezoning would add a waterfront landing as an additional permitted use. Parking would be provided for up to 100 vehicles, with a dock dedicated to a shuttle boat to ferry people to and from the island, as well as a second dock for temporary mooring of up to 6 boats. A shared garbage enclosure in the parking area is also proposed on this lot. The existing resort operation is proposed to continue, however two of the existing cabins would be relocated to accommodate the additional parking area.

Summary of Public Comments Mainland Properties – Themes of Concerns Number of proposed parking spaces Compatibility and buffering Shallowness of shoreline for docks Environmental impacts, particularly water quality (stormwater, boat refueling/traffic) Noise, excess light and garbage Operation of shuttle service, increased boat traffic and speed, specifically in the narrows Shoreline setbacks Road entrance locations Proposed ownership arrangement KM

Conclusions and Next Steps No recommendations are being made by staff today The final results of the peer reviews and the comments heard today will be considered Please contact us if you have questions MM