Tudors transition project This project has been designed to help you make the best start to your A-level History course. We will be studying the Tudor family who ruled England from 1485 to 1603 and these tasks will give you some valuable background knowledge. TASK 1: Create a character profile for Richard using: A brief overview of Richard III: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/people/king_richard_iii http://spartacus-educational.com/TUDrichard3.htm A very detailed site of RIII and his life: http://www.richardiii.net/2_1_0_richardiii.php And any other information you find! TASK 2: Read the article about Richard III, ‘Was Richard III defeated because of the disappearance of the Princes?’ then… Create an illustrated information sheet or poster to show why Richard III lost the English throne. You must include: Subtitles which address the key reasons raised in the article. Detail from the article to support these headings. Some indication of how important you think this factor was e.g. by giving each reason a score out of ten or by the amount of space you allocate each reason on the poster. Images and diagrams would be great too! TASK: 3: Equip yourselves with an ring binder folder, file dividers and plastic wallets for the first lesson back.