Eva Rape Crisis Service


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Presentation transcript:

Eva Rape Crisis Service 22/02/2019 K Davies

Herstory Eva Rape Crisis Service was formed in 2003 by Kay Davies and Helen Danks. Eva Women’s Aid funded a 6 month trial period during which we planned to identify the need for the service, create policies and procedures, and identify funding sources. 22/02/2019 K Davies

Needs Analysis Eva’s domestic violence workers had experienced disclosures of sexual violence from the residents of their refuge. There wasn’t a rape crisis service in the area, Cleveland RCC closed in 2001, their statistics showed around 100 clients per year were from the Redcar area. 22/02/2019 K Davies

First Steps We created publicity material and expected to see clients in our second month. In reality we saw our first client during our second week of the pilot project. We have supported over 350 women so far. 22/02/2019 K Davies

The Role of Eva Rape Crisis To provide counselling and support to survivors of sexual violence To provide support and information for families of survivors of sexual violence and professionals working with survivors To provide a telephone help-line service for survivors and their families 22/02/2019 K Davies

The Role of Eva Rape Crisis To provide independent sexual violence advocacy support for survivors of sexual violence. To provide support groups, confidence building courses and accredited training courses for clients and volunteers. To provide training for other organisations around the issue of sexual violence. To campaign on issues around sexual violence. 22/02/2019 K Davies

National Focus on Sexual Violence Sexual offences bill Rape stock take VVAPP victims of violence and abuse prevention programme Public health white paper choosing health 2002 Cross government action plan on sexual violence Sexual violence and abuse action plan 22/02/2019 K Davies

Making It Happen Eva rape crisis service has: Provided consultation for the setting the boundaries document. Worked in partnership with the police and PCT to create a SARC. Consulted to create national service guidelines. Provided training for SOLO officers. Developed the role of an ISVA within our service. Joined the board of directors of the Rape Crisis Network. All with only 2 ½ staff members. 22/02/2019 K Davies

Funding We experience difficulty in securing funding to continue and develop the project every year. We complete on average between 7-15 funding applications per year. Each application takes between 3-5 days to complete depending on the information required. In 2006 our staff worked to 3 month contracts as emergency funding was applied for. 22/02/2019 K Davies

Funding In 2007 we were successful in securing funding and employed an additional counsellor on a one year contract. (Home Office Victim’s Fund) We secured our manager’s post for 3 years. (The Northern Rock Foundation) We secured a contribution towards our help-line from Redcar and Cleveland Council. 22/02/2019 K Davies

Funding We have not however secured continuation funding for the ISVA post. We are generating income from training and attempting to secure GP commissioning. 22/02/2019 K Davies

Same Issues Across the Globe Research by Dr Kim McGregor Most helpful interventions were: The client felt believed The professional was supportive, compassionate, empathetic and caring 22/02/2019 K Davies

Same Issues Across the Globe The client did not feel blamed for the abuse The professional was not shocked or disgusted at the disclosure The client did not feel odd or alone The professional helped stop the abuse 22/02/2019 K Davies

Unhelpful Interventions Sexual exploitation by the professional Professionals not believing the disclosure and telling the client she fantasised it Ignoring or dismissing the abuse as not important as intercourse did not take place 22/02/2019 K Davies

Unhelpful Interventions Over prescribing medicine Telling the client she must have enjoyed the abuse as she stayed Being shocked or disgusted by the disclosure 22/02/2019 K Davies

Eva’s Clients’ Experiences of Unhelpful Interventions Sexual relationship with psychiatrist. Told they must be fantasising or they would have gone to the police. Told they were not 6 years old and should act accordingly. Told it wasn’t that bad and they should be over it now. 22/02/2019 K Davies

Eva’s Clients’ Experiences of Unhelpful Interventions Being diagnosed with mental health issues without being asked why they felt that way. Told they must have enjoyed the abuse because it carried on into adulthood. Not being believed when they disclosed issues of organised or satanist abuse. 22/02/2019 K Davies

What Makes Rape Crisis Special Rape Crisis Centres have developed a woman centred, empowerment model of counselling which is used in every rape crisis centre. Each generation of rape crisis workers shares their expertise with the next one. Our understanding of feminist principles helps us to clarify the links between female oppression, pornography and sexual violence. We offer clients a female only space in which to work through abuse issues. 22/02/2019 K Davies

What Makes Rape Crisis Special Rape Crisis workers understand the devastating impact that sexual violence has on a woman’s life. We are resilient enough to listen to stories of torture and abuse every day, without letting our own feelings get in the way of supporting the survivor. We understand the ways in which society and rapists try to place the blame the survivor. 22/02/2019 K Davies

When a Survivor Comes to Rape Crisis She will be believed. She will receive counselling from a highly trained and experienced counsellor. We will challenge the rape myths she has hooked into. 22/02/2019 K Davies

When a Survivor Comes to Rape Crisis We will not collude with any moral judgments that may have been made about her. We will accept her fully, no matter how she feels about herself. We will never treat her as less than a remarkable human being who has survived a horrible crime. 22/02/2019 K Davies

In Her Own Words “An excellent service; words are not adequate to describe the commitment, dedication and assistance offered by the support team. I was able to work through the feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, anger etc until I understood the effects the abuse had on me. I now have hope for the future, faith in myself and confidence that I can change my life.” 22/02/2019 K Davies