PART 1 - Why Now Digital Change pic to a more media-like one – say microphones or TV cameras outside high court?? Could the tint be made much lighter and the typeface black (rather than reversed out – am worried how readable it will be from a distance in white)
The future is already here it’s just not evenly distributed
Information technology today is where electricity was 100 years ago Available and being used. Big organisations and individuals using it. Most organisations not yet structured to make the best use of it. Its greatest benefits still to come
Infrastructure Fast and superfast broadband will become the standard. The Next 5 Years Infrastructure Fast and superfast broadband will become the standard. 5G mobile telecoms will become well established. Smartphone ownership will reach saturation point. Over 78% of people now have Smartphones.
Data 1 Data has been described as the new oil. The Next 5 Years Data 1 Data has been described as the new oil. The UK is one of the most data rich countries in the world. Data will be held on every person in the UK on a relatively small number of Governmental and commercial databases many, if not most (especially Governmental), linked.
The Next 5 Years Data 2 All this data is held on each of us on searchable databases which are growing and many of which are linked. Credit rating, credit and debit card use and all legal borrowing and bank accounts. Any investments held on platforms (such as Hargreaves Lansdown, AJ Bell etc). Smart phones collect data on: internet searches, location, Facebook use, photos and more.
The Next 5 Years Data 2 All airline and ferry tickets and passenger names are recorded. Criminal records, arrest information, DNA and other biometric data. Biometric data use is expanding fast whether its voice recognition (e.g. banks use it), facial recognition (e.g. airports and airline boarding use it), finger print recognition (e.g. Apple uses it).
Data 3 The Next 5 Years Government Government digital services is becoming the norm in interaction between citizens and governmental organisations. Driving licence photo, car ownership, passport details (linked to the driving licence and other Government records), HMRC records linked to DWP and employment pay records and other income sources. Property ownership. Health records. Health Authorities are placing all personal records on regional databases.
Legal Advice Organisations What is essential – infrastructure Broadband Cloud based organisational software for email, documents, telecoms etc. Case Management System All documents digital
Legal Advice Organisation What is essential – organisationally Logistics planning Culture
PART 2 What do we look for in an IT related grant request?
Project Summary This is a key piece of information. Ensure that the project is described – not the need for it. Don’t include the need for the project here. Say what it is aimed to do in overall terms. Say if its comprised of more than one part. Say what these parts are.
Problem Addressed Use bullet points By all means say public funding reduced. No need to details, trustees are well aware of LASPO etc.
Evidence Problem Exists Provide Data. Reference Independent Reports.
Provide more detail on the project. Proposed Solution Provide more detail on the project. It’s important to show how your project will reach the intended recipients. We want to see a marketing plan or the equivalent.
Have you considered the resources needed to sustain it? Sustainability Important to show the project can continue beyond its initial development. Have you considered the resources needed to sustain it? If its information - we need to know you can keep it up to date as the law changes.
How can it reach more people? Scalability How can it reach more people? Could you extend it to other organisations?
Make them as specific as possible. Measurable Targets Make them as specific as possible. We look at the cost per target reached.
How Will Impact Be Assessed This goes beyond the number of hits on a website. You can allow for independent impact assessment in your budget. Will the project change the outcomes for your clients?
Always good to see part funding by applicants where possible. Project Finances Always good to see part funding by applicants where possible.
Quote from developer for IT work. Detail Documents Project plan. User journey. Quote from developer for IT work. Resource plan – staffing input from applicant. Risk analysis.