Orthodontics This lesson plan has been designed for a one hour lesson, but can adapted if necessary.
Teeth: What have you learnt so far? What happens to our teeth as we grow? Use this time to re-cap on previous lessons, such as tooth brushing, diet etc. Ask ‘What happens to our teeth as we grow’ – the response we’re looking for is that baby teeth fall out and new adult teeth grow. (You might want to ask children if they have lost any baby teeth yet). Explain that we have more permanent teeth than deciduous teeth because we only have 2 deciduous molars, but we have 2 permanent pre-molars (which replace deciduous molars) and 3 permanent molars which erupt behind deciduous molars.
Deciduous Permanent Short roots Fall out Second teeth Stronger Baby teeth Whiter Longer roots Bigger 20 Milk teeth Adult teeth 32 Use this activity to teach some differences between deciduous and permanent teeth. The order words should be asked is: Second teeth Short roots Stronger Fall out Baby teeth Long roots White 20 Bigger Milk teeth Adult teeth 32 Smaller First teeth Pre-molars Creamier Allow children to tap board in column they think is correct answer. Word will then move into correct column and disappear from list below. Smaller First teeth Pre-molars Creamier Second teeth Short roots Stronger Fall out Baby teeth 20 Longer roots Whiter Bigger Smaller Adult teeth Milk teeth 32 Pre-molars First teeth Creamier
Are we all the same? Use time to ask children what differences they can see between children on slide (eg height, hair colour etc) or ask children to stand up and look at each other and note differences. Explain that we are all different.
Mouths can be different too! Just as our bodies are different shapes and sizes, so are our mouths! Some people have small teeth with spaces between (1st picture), some have just the right size teeth for their mouth (2nd picture), some have too many teeth or teeth too big to fit in their mouth which makes the teeth crowded (3rd and 4th pictures). When this happens, people sometimes want their teeth to look straighter, so they have orthodontic treatment.
Orthodontics: Orthodontists use wires to move teeth into the correct position. Some braces can be taken in and out – others must be glued into place. Orthodontists use wires to move teeth into the correct position to make them straighter. Some braces can be taken in and out, some are glued to the teeth.
How braces work: Watch the crooked teeth move into place.
Orthodontics: Before After Here are some pictures of teeth before and after orthodontic treatment. They look much nicer when they are straight, and are easier to clean. Can children think of why crooked teeth and teeth with braces are hard to clean? Esplain that plaque (bacteria) can hide between crooked teeth and around brace and is hard to clean with toothbrush. Children should already know that plaque causes gum disease.
Session Activities: Jigsaw Wordsearch Poster Design a poster Split into 3 groups, or as class activities. Jigsaws – each jigsaw should be put together to show a mouth containing teeth. Each jigsaw represents a different stage of growth. Once puzzles completed, arrange in order from youngest mouth to oldest, using the differences learnt about to decide if mouth has more or less baby teeth, therefore determining whether it is an older or younger mouth. Wordseacrh – find words and colour pictures. Poster – Each child should have a poster (A4 sheet) or A3 if working in pairs? Children to think of oral hygiene messages they could give someone wearing braces. Give suggested phrases such as ‘clean your teeth twice a day’ ‘use fluoride toothpaste’ etc.
Does anyone have any questions…?