The Sacramento Region Blueprint for the Future


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Presentation transcript:

The Sacramento Region Blueprint for the Future

Housing needs will more than double What’s the Issue? More than 1.7 million additional people will live in the Sacramento Region by 2050 Housing needs will more than double Land use decisions made during the next decade will guide our future quality of life This slide outlines the need for the project. It states just a few simple facts that might be of interest tot he audience and helps demonstrate what kinds of outcomes we hope to impact.

How Big is Big? This slide helps the audience visualize how much growth may impact the region in the future. Things to point out are the region today compared with the future and see if participants have a feel for how big Seattle or Atlanta a re now as a measuring stick for our future.

Vehicle Minutes/Person Increase of 160 hours annually This slide shows just one impact of taking no action to change how we plan for growth. Remember that this number is what is likely to happen UNLESS we pay attention now.

How would the region change if the Base Case Future became reality? This slide shows the urbanized areas today and the potential urbanized areas in 2050, again UNLESS we pay attention. It does not have to be this way, but will without procative planning for the future. Again, this is more about WHY we are doing the project.

What’s the Alternative? Sacramento Region Blueprint Transportation & Land Use Study Patterned (loosely) on Envision Utah Designed to Touch Thousands of Citizens Supportive of Local Governments Role Long Term Impacts Context for Future Decisions Access to Planning Tools This slide begins to introduce the alternative to unmanaged growth, or the Blueprint Project. The project is somewhat patterned on an effort in Utah, that has resulted in great change in that region. It is meant to be very interactive and have ways for thousands of people to participate. The project works WITH local government, providing tools that will have a long term benefit and seeks to put local planning efforts in a context so better decisions can be made by all.

Blueprint Workshop Series Neighborhood Level: All Jurisdictions 100-300 acre parcel case study County Level Planners work together to create scenarios Context for local work Regional Level Compile and measure alternatives Create mechanisms to gather preferences This slide outlines the three levels of workshops, neighborhood, now complete, county and regional. The neighborhood workshops looked at specific areas in each jursidiction, the county workshops will look at potentiail growth scenarios for entire counties, and the region will have scenarios for the entire region all on one map. The staged process allows everyone to weigh in on all levels and learn about collective impacts of decsions in a very hands-on way.

Smart Growth Principles Transportation Choice Housing Choice Compact Development Use of Existing Assets Mixed Use Development Natural Resource Conservation Quality Design This slide outlines the basic planning ideas we ask each person to consider in the workshops as they redesign areas. These concepts have been shown to positivley impact the the things people care about most in terms of impacts of growth.

County-wide Scenario Building Base Case = first scenario Planners Subcommittee creating alternatives Public workshops will critique alternatives Key elements that may be considered: less overall land consumption than Base Case Better jobs-housing balance Compact form Preservation of open space This slide shows information about the upcoming county workshops in more detail. At each wiorkshop participants will be shown three or four future scenarios they can choose and then further refine. These scnarios are created by a team consisting of planners from each jursidiction in the county, and derived form the trends seen in the neighborhood workshops for that county. The workshop will allow the public to comment on and refine potentail futures. Some of the items that may be impacted from sceario to scenario are listed in the slide as exapmples. Other things will be included beyond these items.

Region Wide Scenario Building April 30th Regional Forum Regional Workshops Electronic Town Hall Let all citizens weigh in on our collective future! This slide simply makes the viewera ware that the county planning will culminate in a large regional event where region wide senarios will be shown and voted on. The event will feature real time voting clickers.

Transportation Plan Linkage Implementation Transportation Plan Linkage Next update will consider land use footprint Community Design Funds 500 Million Total 12 Million in first round This slide begins to talk about the "so what" for this project. First ,the chosen land use pattern will be used to shape future transporation decsions made by SACOG. This is a huge step, since transporation spending is hte single largest investment in the regiona nd has a strong relationship with growth patterns. Next, SACOG has set aside a fund for incentives so that projects can begin to spring up all over the region, demonstrating new methods of developement.

The Blueprint Project -Critical Success Factors Three-tiered Workshop Structure Interactive Workshops Public / Private Partnership Local Government Focus / Ongoing Benefit Structured Outreach Media Engagement Transportation Plan Linkage Community Design Funds Thsi is a recap slide designed to show how the key features of the project are linked to the projects liklihood for success. The three tiered, interactive series of workshops provides multiple entry points for participation, and a fun tangilbe way to plan. The project has the blessing and participation of leaders form both the public and private sector. It is desighed to help local governents now and into the future have beter tools and more resources. The outreach is designed to hit all sectors, and is getting great media coverage. Finally, the implementation tools ensure the project will have lasting impact.