802.22 Working Group March Plenary EC Closing Motions Apurva N. Mody Chair, 802.22 Working Group apurva.mody@ieee.org apurva.mody@WhiteSpaceAlliance.org
Example Motion Template: Motion Text LMSC EC Confirms Oliver Holland to be the Vice Chair of the 802.22 Working Group Move: Apurva Mody Second: For Against: Abstain: Background - Working Group Motion 802.22 WG elected Oliver Holland to be the Vice Chair during the Wednesday’ s Mid-week plenary. Motion passed 5/0/1 https://mentor.ieee.org/802.22/dcn/17/22-17-0040-00-0000-march-plenary-working-group-motions.docx Rules Reference LMSC P&P, Clause 4.1 – Voting Membership Other Oliver has provided his Letter of Affiliation and Endorsement Letters. Confirmed by John D’ Ambrosia