Development of LCLS Far Experimental Hall Hutches Thomas Fornek Project Manager March 30, 2009 Contributors: R. M. Boyce S. Boutet A. Robert
FAR HALL HUTCH DEVELOPMENT (I) LUSI staff started working almost two years ago on the details of the design of the FEH Hutches 4 & 5 The FEH hutch 4 and 5 layouts were developed and optimized for the operation of the XCS and CXI instruments, as the instrument design was advanced Hutch 4 and 5 detailed designs ( location, dimensions, utilities,…) support the science mission of each instrument
FAR HALL HUTCH DEVELOPMENT (II) The instrument Physics Requirements were developed with the Instrument Team Leader input Team Leaders signed the Physics Requirements document Current instrument layouts were presented for feedback at the October 2008 Team Leader Meetings XCS and CXI Layouts were subject to a value engineering exercise Instrument configurations are approved and progressing toward final design Hutch dimensions are dictated by the physics requirements, the components included in the current instrument scope and future priorities Hutch 4 has space reserved for small angle scattering equipment Resolution of small angles require small pixels and long distances LCLS Hutches typically involve items that are considered “Front End” optics at synchrotrons
FAR HALL HUTCH DEVELOPMENT (III) A generic hutch was proposed for hutch 6, which can accommodate an additional instrument and occupies the remaining available space Each experimental hutch has a dedicated control room adjacent to the hutch Space was allocated for a small “common room” (for experimental set-up) which will be shared among the instruments We still needed space for the infrastructure supporting the operation of the FEH near the instruments ( PPS racks, mechanical equipment, air handling units, transformers, network hardware, experiment support, equipment storage,…) This led to plan for a mezzanine above the FEH hutches Mezzanine structure also provides an exoskeleton which allows for future re-configuration of hutch walls All walls are non-structural
FAR HALL - HUTCH 4 (XCS) Control Room Common Room Experiment Hutch Non-Structural Wall (Typ) Space for XCS SAXS
XCS INSTRUMENT IN HUTCH 4 Provision for SAXS Large Angle Detector Mover Diffractometer Focusing Lens System Split and Delay unit Post-Monochromator* Large Offset Monochromator
FAR HALL - HUTCH 5 (CXI) Control Room Experiment Hutch Non-Structural Wall (Typ)
FAR HALL - HUTCH 6 Control Room Experiment Hutch