Health Board Report 1.21.19
Program Overview (1-2 minutes) The Health Education Program serves all students K-12 in each Prairie building. The Health Education Program is designed to improve health and health literacy skills and understandings for all students. Staffing includes classroom teachers, PE, teachers, school counselors, and school nurses. A Health and Wellness Curriculum Council with K-12 representatives from teach staffing group meets twice during the school year.
Overview of Prior Year’s Goals & Results (3-5 minutes) Establish a guaranteed and viable curriculum for health education using the National Health Education Standards (NHES) across grade levels and settings Standards distributed across grade levels Recommendations gathered for setting for teaching standards Review current approaches to teaching sexual health education Completed review of current sexual health education program Planning for improvements in sexual health education program
Current Year’s Goals (5-7 minutes) Establish a guaranteed and viable curriculum for health education using the National Health Education Standards (NHES) across grade levels and settings. Develop learning experiences (including settings and approaches for teaching standards through a skill development approach) Document learning experiences through curriculum mapping system Gather input from stakeholder groups in the development of a comprehensive sexual health education program. Assemble a community input group (including parents, students, school staff, and community organizations) to provide input into questions related to a comprehensive sexual health education program aligned with state guidelines, student and community needs, and best-practice recommendations from the field.
Anticipated Challenges and/or Roadblocks to Success (1-3 minutes) Communication and implementation of the guaranteed and viable curriculum for health education across the K-12 system To address this challenge, the scaled-up curriculum council will focus on developing learning experiences
Support Needed / Implications for the Board (1-3 minutes) Continue to advocate for the education of the whole child (including health education) Involvement in the community input sessions in relation to sexual health education
Questions from the Board (3 minutes)