Discipleship Lesson 30 Matthew 10:32-39
Theme A disciple is a learner or pupil. A disciple of the Lord is a student in the school of the Master Teacher. Jesus chose twelve men to be His constant followers and to receive intensive instruction for the founding of His body, the church.
I. The Disciple’s Reproach Matthew 10:32-33 A. If a man confesses Jesus before others, then He will confess him before His Father in heaven (v.32) B. If a person denies Jesus before others, He will deny him before His Father (v.33) -never saved
II. The Disciple’s Priorities Matthew 10:34-37 A. Family members will not always be in favor of your profession of Christ. B. A Christian must love his family even if they oppose him. C. It is possible for a Christian to love his family too much.
III. The Disciple’s Sacrifices Matthew 10:38-39 A. The believer must deny himself & take up his cross daily & follow Christ 1. To die to our own ambitions & preferences 2. Following Christ comes naturally after we die to self
III. The Disciple’s Sacrifices B. “What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Matthew 16:26 C. Sacrifices the Christian are asked to make are great. Luke 14:26-33 1. Becoming a disciple is like starting a building 2. Must count the cost 3. Embarrassment & ruin can result from a hasty decision