Making a good oral presentation (in a group context)
A few suggestions: Your job is to teach your topic. Think about the best teachers you have studied with. Why did you like their teaching style? How can you imitate it?
BE ENTHUSIASTIC! (show interest in your topic) How can we be interested if you aren’t?
The idea is to help everyone UNDERSTAND, so don’t confuse people! KEEP THINGS SIMPLE! The idea is to help everyone UNDERSTAND, so don’t confuse people!
SPEAK CLEARLY! Learn to pronounce words if needed ( If we can’t understand you, we won’t learn about your topic. Then, PRACTICE!
MAKE DIRECT EYE CONTACT MAKE DIRECT EYE CONTACT! (please don’t hide behind your notes and read your text). This will connect you to your audience.
USE HUMOR! (only if appropriate) It gets the audience involved and releases tension.
SURVEY YOUR BODY LANGUAGE! (keep it professional)
DON’T MAKE EXCUSES! (work hard instead)
SPEAK ENGLISH! (especially if you have class time to prepare…)
TEAMWORK : ALLOW EVERYONE TO BE INVOLVED! Everyone in the group deserves equal time no matter what!
NEVER END WITH : “That’s it/all.” “I think that’s it.” MUCH BETTER: “Thank you for your attention. Does anyone have a question?”
THINK ABOUT THE QUESTIONS THAT YOUR AUDIENCE MIGHT ASK! “Being prepared is half of the battle.”
(It makes a difference). SMILE! (It makes a difference).
Make sure your thoughts are organized : A: INTRODUCTION --greet your audience --develop an outline --arouse interest
Make sure your thoughts are organized : B: DEVELOPMENT --Restate the information in your own words. (we can all read the text, your job is to CLARIFY it). --use link words to enhance the structure and the transitions.
Make sure your thoughts are organized : C: CONCLUSION --be succinct --summarize the key points --state your position or analysis --Suggest further research if you were limited by time