AP Art History Chapter 5, 6, 7 Ancient Greece The Etruscans The Roman Empire
Goals for the chapters: We call this age in history the classical past Goals for the chapters: We call this age in history the classical past. What is meant by the work classical? What does this word tell us about the past and about ourselves? How does the concept of the “ideal” form change over the course of ancient history?
Respond to this question; Write about a sacred place in your community, explain how its form relates to the beliefs of its occupants and activities performed within it. How are local houses of worship constructed to accommodate particular belief systems? 1 page response.
Read pages 167-169, Etruscan. Read pages 134-136, Greek Read pages 167-169, Etruscan. Read pages 134-136, Greek. Read pages 155-156, Greek. Read pages 210-211, Roman. Write a response to the four images (structures) about the approach to their cultural spirituality, their ceremonies, and the building of appropriate shrines to their gods. Also, discuss descriptions of common and unique architectural features, contexts, and functions. 1 page response.