Rainbow Land Preschool & Day Care January 2018 Important Dates: Reminders Monday, January 15-NFV No School Day, No Preschool Contracts are due on Mondays by 5:30 PM. Payments are due on Wednesdays. Every child is required to have a physical and immunization sheet in their file in order to attend the center. Important Information Please make sure your child has hat, mittens/gloves and other outdoor gear, as we will be going outside as weather permits during the winter season. We are required to offer outdoor time as often as possible and we follow a weather chart that takes temperature and wind chill into account. We are very thankful for all the Giving Tree donations! Thank you for all the generosity and gifts! Words cannot express our appreciation for the amazing response we had this year! Thank you to all the families that attended the Rainbow Land Soup Supper, as well as the Preschool Holiday Program. We also want to thank everyone who helped with the Soup Supper: setting up, cleaning up, cooking soup or desserts, decorating, crafts, planning, attending, donating, and supporting Rainbow Land! It was a fantastic turnout and event! The handbook is still being revised, hopefully it can be finished soon. We are looking into sharing it electronically in the future, would this interest families? We would still have paper copies available. Rainbow Land Preschool & Daycare 201 Vine Street, Building #1, Fayette, Iowa 52142 563-425-4398~rainbowlandPDC@gmail.com
Important Information: Rainbow Land Preschool News January 2018 Important Dates: Studies: Monday, January 15- NFV No School Day, No Preschool Mittens & Winter Gear Polar Bears Penguins Letter Studies: F, B, J, Z, W Important Information: Please make sure your child has hat, mittens/gloves and other outdoor gear, as we will be going outside as weather permits during the winter season. We are required to offer outdoor time as often as possible and we follow a weather chart that takes temperature and wind chill into account. If you need help obtaining any of these items, see Mrs. Kalb. Other Information: Arrival time is 8:00, if your child is there prior to this time day care rates will be applied. The grant hours of preschool end at 11:30, during this time there is not a preschool tuition rate. After preschool day care rates will be charged.