ERWC: Vocab Eleven
Amenable (UH- MEAN-UH-BULL) Adjective Open or responsive to an idea or solution Would you be amenable to picking up a few things at the store if I agree to cook?
Bombard Verb To throw a bunch of things at something at the same time (either literal or figurative) I was bombarded with homework assignments this weekend and barely got them done.
Cavalier Adjective Showing an arrogant disregard for even important things He was cavalier about the fact that he got fired because he knew his parents would support him.
Civil Adjective Polite Even though I don’t like him, I will be civil so that it doesn’t make others uncomfortable.
Criteria Plural Noun A set of standards by which something is judged. I will review your application, and if you meet the criteria, we will give you an interview.
Decorum Noun Expected social behavior Please observe proper dress and decorum when attending the party.
Effusive Adjective Openly expressing praise or approval (extensively) He was effusive when I asked him what kind of person you are.
Frugal Adjective Reluctant to spend money Because he was so frugal for most of his life, he was able to retire at age 40.
Muster Verb To gather up (strength, support, etc.) I had to muster the confidence to ask for a raise.
Obliterate Verb To destroy something entirely Can be literal or figurative By pointing out the gaps in his logic, she was able to swiftly obliterate his argument. The hurricane obliterated the town.
Philistine Noun An uncivilized person who has no appreciation for art or culture. Despite his superficial sophistication, Tom was a philistine and was rarely invited to social gatherings.
ergo Latin “Air-go” Means “therefore” You didn’t put any effort into your essay, ergo, you earned an F.