Biology: Unit 1 Review Lesson 20
Notes A paper copy of the review will be available on line if you would like me to post one. Please look through all of your notes. We have had 19 lessons. Each one has been labelled with the code U1-L#. If you are missing any please ask me for a copy so that I have time to get them to you.
How to study and get a very good mark Read through all of your notes Read through the review and highlight areas that you are unsure about, including key terms. Write out all of the key terms Answer all of the questions given and study old quizzes.
Chapter 1: Cells are the basic unit of life and often combine with other cells to form tissues. Lesson: 1 - 7
Key Concepts • Plant and animal cells • Organelles and their functions • Cell cycle • Cell specialization • Tissue formation • Cancer cells
Summary • Cells have special structures that enable them to perform important life functions. • Scientists use technology like the microscope to understand more about the cell. • The life cycle of a cell has four stages.
Summary • Growth and repair of cells is accomplished by mitosis. • Cancer cells have abnormal rates of cell division. • Stem cells divide to form specialized cells. • Specialized cells group together to function as a tissue.
Key Terms Read each one and then try to define it, if you do not know the meaning of it look it up in your notes and write it down.
Chapter 2: An organ consists of groups of tissues and works with other organs to form organ systems. Lesson: 8-17
Key Concepts • Organ formation in animals and plants • Organ systems in animals and plants • Interaction of organ systems
Summary • In animals, tissues combine to form organs. • In plants, tissues combine to form flowers/fruits, leaves, stems, and roots. • Organs associate together to form organ systems. • Each organ system may contain several organs.
Summary • Organ systems work together to accomplish movement, support, protection, transport, reproduction, digestion, gas exchange, and waste removal. • Organ systems are interdependent organized groups of tissues and organs. • Healthy organ systems work together to maintain homeostasis.
Key Terms Read each one and then try to define it, if you do not know the meaning of it look it up in your notes and write it down.
Chapter 3: Advances in biological technologies have an impact on individuals and society. Lesson: 18-19
• Medical imaging techniques • Careers Key Concepts • Medical imaging techniques • Careers
Summary • Medical personnel use technology to study, analyze, diagnose, and treat abnormalities in tissues, organs, and systems. • Medical imaging technologies provide information for diagnosis and treatment of problems in tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Key Terms Read each one and then try to define it, if you do not know the meaning of it look it up in your notes and write it down.
Questions Please do as many of the questions as possible.