Tuesday June 23.


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Presentation transcript:

Tuesday June 23

Audience Since I am attending EAP summer class for English, my intended audience is my EAP English professor Mrs. Zandarski who assigned the blog posts and reader response for me to write My intended audience would be my professor Ms. Zandarski as well as my classmates. My classmates have the chance to read the blog post I have posted to possibly get tips on writing and reading I have learned as well. 

Investment in time “I have done couple of things differently, like give myself more time to actually write” and, “this might sound silly, but it actually helped

Planning and Organization – AKA Prewriting “Usually when writing before taking this class I would hardly do any pre-writing because I didn’t think it would be any helpful. But after understanding the importance to know what you are writing about to make your assignment better, I see the necessity to do some pre-writing before you jump into starting your writing assignment. So yes, I did do a little pre-writing before diving into the writing assignment head first and I think this helps me tremendously because I at least have an idea of what to be writing about instead of writing a whole bunch of non-sense”

Reflection Not a report of factual information. An expression of your expectations perceptions feelings of the experience represented by your evidence. A journal of your personal growth. Assumes many different forms. Can use the 3-R format.

Reaction. (To Feel) Reexamine the evidence How do you feel about it now? Cite at least one example that illustrates your response. Relevance. (To Think). How is the evidence related to learning? How is the evidence meaningful or how does it contribute to your understanding of learning? What are some alternative viewpoints or perspectives that you now have and/or what are some changes/improvements you might make based on the experiences you have had? Cite examples to support your ideas.

Responsibility (To Do). How will the knowledge gained from the event or experience be used in your profession? Give examples of possible applications in your college life, as well as an analysis of possible alternatives, other perspectives, or other meanings that might be related to the evidence. What are some questions you still have regarding this topic?

A reflection/reaction paper should have at least three parts: an introductory paragraph the body of the paper a closure paragraph Introduction: A retelling of what happened. The introductory paragraph "sets the scene" by giving factual information. Explains what the evidence is States the who, what, when, and how of the experience represented by the evidence (e.g., "During summer semester, 2015, I had the opportunity to participate in Early Start English").

Body: State what you expected or anticipated about the experience represented by the evidence. What did you actually experience, feel, observe, etc.? Be specific. Use "I" statements. Include elements that would allow an outsider to "see as you see" Analysis deals with reasons, motives, and interpretation during the event or experience. How is the evidence meaningful or how does it contribute to your understanding?

Closure: State how the experience has impacted you Closure: State how the experience has impacted you. How will it make you a better teacher? How will you take what you have learned from this experience and apply it to your own teaching when you have your own class(es)? Be specific. Include the name of the portfolio section in your closure.

One of the most important things I learned in my ESE class is that I am going to have to overcome my fear of asking questions. In high school I always felt like asking questions made me look dumb, and I felt this way when I first started my ESE class too. The book chapter, “Why Visit the Campus Writing Center” said that many students feel this way too. Ben Rafoth writes, “For a few students, visiting a writing center feels like admitting they are not good enough to be in the course they’re taking” I always worry about whether or not I am good enough to finish college so in the past I would never ask questions. Now I realize though that most of the people, including professors, are happy to answer questions. I eel now it is better to sacrifice my pride and ask a question than be wrong. I also learned as I toured the campus on my scavenger hunt that I paid fees to support the campus writing center, so I might as well use it.

Wednesday: Watch: The Case against good and bad The Power of Simple Words Read: Bootstraps Bring with you prewriting and question to class