See DIKE_15-2017-05_WISE-Marine_2016_Business Plan_v2.3 June 8, 2017 TGDATA Neil Holdsworth (ICES), Ana Tejedor (EEA), See DIKE_15-2017-05_WISE-Marine_2016_Business Plan_v2.3
What’s been happening since then? Progress MS and RSC feedback Extensive feedback since last version (December 2016) addressed in updated plan What’s been happening since then? Content for Topics section drafted EEA have designed the web layout Web site in construction Map visualization through EEA DISCOMAP
Compact Timetable 2017 roadmap Portal development and governance agreements expected to be finalised during coming 3/4 months. Presentation of progress at DIKE 28-29 September Launch in October 2017 during “Our Ocean Conference” in Malta.
Linking WISE-Marine to other content and infrastructure Simplified representation of how WISE-Marine connects to other information
Data (EEA) Linking WISE-Marine to other content and infrastructure WISE-Marine landing page (ENV) Data (EEA) Data products (information shown) Indicators Assessment tools Data services (e.g. EMODNET) Reference layers and MSFD maps MSFD reported information/data MSFD Art 8, 9 and 10 MSFD Art 13 and 14 MSFD Art 11 MSFD Art 19(3)
Map visualization