English 10 - 1/14/19 Why do you feel that your topic is something we or our government should be addressing as a society? Why did the banker break up with his girl friend? Tarantism – an irresistible urge to dance. Goals – Handout assignment sheets and other resources. Work on relative clauses. Homework – Read and annotate assignment sheet and rubric for points in class tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for Vocab Final 8-15 on Friday. He lost interest.
English 10 - 1/15/19 What have you found out so far about the human impact? Why couldn’t the goats get along? Phaneromania – the habit of picking at scabs, biting nails, or popping pimples. Goals – Get to the lab. Focus on Hooks and Maps. Make Works Cited page. Decide which paragraphs to put notes in. Homework – Don’t forget to study Vocab Final 8-15 Friday. They kept butting heads.
English 10 - 1/16/19 Write on a subject of your choice concerning the CBA. Why was Cinderella so lousy at baseball? Theomania – belief that one is god. Goals – Go to lab and transfer notes to your essay “Outline.” Homework – Don’t forget to study Vocab Final 8-15 Friday. She ran away from the ball and she had a pumpkin for a coach
English 10 - 1/17/19 How many English teacher jokes are there? What do you know about the civil rights movement in the U.S.? Why do we have a national holiday Monday to honor Martin Luther King Jr.? How many English teacher jokes are there? Oedipus complex – the desire of a son to kill his father. Goals – Continue working bringing research notes to your paper. Discussion of structure of Human Impact and stakeholder paragraphs. Homework – Don’t forget to study for Vocab Final 8-15 tomorrow. One, the rest are all true.
English 10 - 1/18/19 Five minutes to study for Vocab Final weeks 8-15. Why do bagpipers always walk when they play? Orestes complex – The desire of a son to kill his mother. Goals – Complete Final weeks 8-15. Go to computer lab. Homework – Complete your Human Impact and Stakeholders paragraphs. To get away from the sound.