Template for Business Plan Name of Business, logo and names and roles
Team Management CEO CFO CMO CIO Write a short sentence about each member and what they bring to the table. Ex. Sandra has a love for education and has leadership experience.
What problem does your product or service solve? Who is your customer? Customer Problem What problem does your product or service solve? Who is your customer?
What is your actual product/service describe/show on this slide
ONE LINE PITCH If you were in an elevator with someone and had 1 minute to pitch your idea what would you say?
Researching your customer What is your SWOT Analysis (list at least 2 in each category) Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Compeititon Competitive Advantage – what will set you apart for your competitors? There are three ways that companies can gain a competitive advantage: changing quality, value, or delivery.
Marketing your company Product Design – What will your product look like? How will your product be packaged? What type of service or warranty will you offer? Price – Will you sell as small amount of product at a high price or a large amount of product at a lower price? Will you offer bulk discounts? How does your pricing compare to that of competitors? Promotion – How will you promote your product? (Internet, print, radio, TV, etc?) Place (distribution) – Where will your product be sold? How? Weigh the pros and cons of selling directly to customers vs. distributing to other businesses.
Logo/business model Business Model – What is your company name and Logo and why did you choose it? What was your thought process? Tell me other ideas you may have had while brainstorming for the perfect Business Model (an example of what a person will see when they see your product)
Cost Breakdown Cost for you to manufacturer Cost for customer Profit? What is involved in all this?
Additional Items Needed not included in the PowerPoint Business Cards – I will show you how to create business cards this week. We will discuss what is important information that needs to go on the cards.