CIS Acitivity Climate Change and Water Strategic Coordination Group Brussels, 11 March 2008 CIS Acitivity Climate Change and Water Marieke van Nood Unit ‘Protection of Water & Marine Environment’ DG Environment, European Commission
Progress CIS Strategic Steering Group Deliverables 2008 – 2009 Content Progress CIS Strategic Steering Group Deliverables 2008 – 2009 Follow-up Green Paper/preparations White Paper Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.
Progress CIS Activity Bonn CIS workshop 20-21 November: ‘how to make river basin management planning climate proof’ Water Directors’ meeting Lisbon, Nov 07: WD discussed the importance of water-related aspects in adaptation to climate change and reinforced their commitment to provide leadership to this end. To further develop the contribution of the Water Directors, a strategic debate should take place at the next meeting under Slovenian Presidency. WD emphasised that already the first river basin management plan should have a climate check and that a distinction needs to be made between the WFD first planning cycle and the further cycles with regard to adapting to climate change. SSG meeting 25 Jan 08, next meeting 5 Sept 08 Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.
Deliverables CIS Activity 2008: Strategic input paper for WD in Slovenia - June (to be discussed by SCG in May) Document with best practices of a climate check of the first Programme of Measures - end 2008 2009: Guidance on how to take into account climate change in implementation of water legislation in second WFD cycle - end 2009 Input from other working groups (e.g. ECOSTAT on reference conditions/objectives. Other groups will be requested after summer) 2008 and 2009: Information exchange on relevant research projects Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.
Green/White Paper Adaptation End 2007: -Closure web-based stakeholder consultation - results will be made available in April 08 on website 2008: -February: DG ENV Task Force established for preparations White Paper - lead by Peter Gammeltoft -EP vote on resolution on Green Paper - end March 08 -Stakeholder meeting 16 May 2008 (by invitation) -Broad scope (cf Green Paper) -Impact Assessment -Foreseen adoption end 2008 Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.
Outcomes Bonn CIS workshop November 2007 More information EC Water Website: Outcomes Bonn CIS workshop November 2007 Information Green Paper on Adaptation (incl. results 4 regional workshops) Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.