Weekly Book bags due each Friday Mrs. Fernandez Monster Newsletter (week of February 11 ) Important Dates/Info HOMEWORK. Raz-Kids Have your child login for 10-15 min each day (or more) to help reading and fluency. Sign your child’s behavior log EVERY day. Bring LIBRARY books on Friday! Weekly Book bags due each Friday . Sight words of the week : OF and AN Letter of the week : Ll Math: 2D shapes, rote counting 0-100 by 1’s and 10’s Science: Hibernation ELA: Main idea, key details, beginning, middle and end of a book, word families, rhyming Snacks every day at 1:45. HW Mon-Thurs Valentines Day Party on 2/14….See attached Literacy Tip Read 30 minutes every night with your child. Your child needs to have a book in his/her backpack every day. Contact Information Mrs. Fernandez RM #10 252-444-5100 602-999-9395 cell Suzanne.fernandez@cravenk12.org (best and quickest) : Jean Wright Teaching the “Wright” Way © 2015