Conflict and Peacemaking “You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.” – Gandhi, 1971
Conflict: a perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas
Ingroup vs. Outgroup Ingroup Outgroup “Us”- people with whom one shares a common identity Outgroup “Them”- those perceived as different or apart from one’s ingroup 7 in 10 Japanese express a disfavorable view of China, and 7 in 10 Chinese similarly dislike Japan.
Mirror-image Perceptions – mutual views often held by conflicting people, as when each side see itself as ethical and peaceful and views the other side as evil and aggressive.
Mirror-Image Perceptions “[Saddam Hussein is] gripped by an implacable hatred of the United States of America. [He] hates our friends, hates our values, hates democracy and freedom and individual liberty. [He] cares little for their lives of his own people.” - President George W. Bush “[The United States] is an evil tyrant that, with Satan as its protector, lusts for oil and aggressively attacks those who defend what is right.” – Saddam Hussein
Superordinate goals – shared goals that unite groups in a common cause to override differences “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Social Trap – a situation in which the conflicting parties, by each rationally pursuing their self-interest, become caught in mutually destructive behavior. Tragedy of the Commons Cold War Missile Game