The Age of Napoleon.


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Presentation transcript:

The Age of Napoleon

The Rise of Napoleon Brought the ___________________________ to an end when he claimed control He was quite ______________________, often convinced that he was going to “save” the French He was a brilliant military mind and often felt as if he deserved the credit for the revolution’s success French Revolution, arrogant,

Napoleon’s Early Life Born in _________________ Born into a ___________________ family Very smart….given a royal scholarship to a military school in France After finishing school (at age 16), he was sent to serve in the French army where he was __________________ be cause he Was short _________________________________________ Was not rich Studied the strategies of ancient military leaders 1769, noble, disliked, Italian accent

Military Successes He rose quickly through the ranks of the army In just _______ years he went from being a lowly lieutenant in the army to being made the commander of the French armies His tactics _______________________ Because he was smart, energetic, charming, well-spoken, and extremely ___________________, he was supported by everyone around him. 10, speed, deception, surprise,

10, speed, deception, surprise,

Consul and Emperor After failing at his attempt to conquer the ________, Napoleon took part in a coup d’etat to overthrow ______________________________ in 1799 A new government called the ________________ was formed Although it claimed to be a republic (meaning??) Napoleon actually held all the power (Age: ) In 1802, the government made him leader (Consul) for life Napoleon quickly named himself _______________ British, The Directory, consulate, 30, Emperor

NAPOLEON JULIUS CEASER vs British, The Directory, consulate, 30, Emperor

Peace with the Church The Church was an ____________ of the revolution Napoleon was ______________________ The agreement between them Napoleon acknowledged Catholicism as France’s religion But the Church didn’t get their _______________ back This agreement made everyone happy Catholic church was no longer an enemy People who had bought (or ______________________) land from the Church were happy, too Enemy, agnostic, land, stolen,

Codification of the Laws Napoleon’s most famous domestic achievement was the codification of the laws In other words, he ______________________ law France went from 300 legal systems to 7 The most important was the CIVIL CODE AKA ____________________________________ Declared all citizens ____________________ in the law Protected property rights Made divorce more difficult Religious ___________________________ Simplified, Napoleonic code, citizens, tolerance

A New Way of Doing Things Promotions based on ______________, not nobility Napoleon created nobles based on service 60% came from ________________________________ Napoleon both upheld and destroyed ideals of the Revolution KEPT: equality of citizens KEPT: government positions open to all DESTROYED: Liberty (replaced with despotism) DESTROYED: freedom of press Merit, the middle class,

Empire When Napoleon became _____________ in 1799, France was still at war with Russia, GB, and Austria He made peace in __________, but it did not last Napoleon was born and raised a _______________ man In 1803, he began warring with GB (again) GB was joined by Austria, Russia, and Prussia (again) He defeated everyone but _____________________ From 1807-1812, he built his Grand Empire France ______________________________ states (conquered) ______________________________ states (all in the family) Consul, 1802, military, GB, allied, dependent

Spreading the Revolution Napoleon sought to spread certain ideals of the Revolution throughout his new Grand Empire Legal equality No ________________________ for nobles/clergy Religious tolerance _________________ government Similar to Hitler in three ways Hoped for a ____________________________ empire Well-liked by his people Rapid collapse of the empire Due to ________________ and ______________________ Privileges , open, long-lasting, GB, nationalism

The Problem With Britain Britain’s _____________ force was amazing – why? Napoleon hoped to invade Britain, and began building ships for that purpose Napoleon and his navy were badly defeated at the Battle of Trafalgar in __________________ Since he couldn’t defeat them militarily, he tried to use his ___________________________________ The goal of the C.S was to stop British goods from reaching the rest of Europe…didn’t work New markets for the British in Latin America & Middle East Allied states ____________________________ Naval, 1805, Continental System, cheated

Nationalism Defintion: A deep love and ___________________ to one’s cultural identity based on language, religion, and common ______________________ It was nationalism that allowed the French Revolution to overthrow their monarchy However, these feelings also spread to countries who used nationalism against Napoleon French were hated as __________________________ Showed other nations what nationalism was and how it could be used to change their government Devotion, feelings, oppressors,

The Fall of Napoleon The beginning of the end came in 1812 when Napoleon invaded ___________________________ The Russians challenged Napoleons authority and refused to join him Even though it was risky to invade such a large country, Napoleon felt he must in order to show other nations that opposing him was pointless He prepared an army of _____________________ men and marched into Russia, hoping for a quick, decisive victory…he got neither of these Russia, 600,000

Disaster in Russia Rather than stand and fight, the Russian army retreated into their countryside for hundreds of miles before ever engaging with Napoleon’s forces As the Russians retreated, they ________________ everything they came across They were willing to sacrifice their own villages to keep Napoleon’s army from finding _____________ Even the capital city of ________________ was set ablaze and emptied of anything that could be useful to the invading forces Burned, supplies, Moscow

Disaster in Russia Without food or other supplies, Napoleon’s Grand Army began the “__________________________” They wanted to get out of Russia ASAP However, the retreat took longer than expected No food, fatigue, worn out equipment _____________________ Only _______________________ of the original 600,000 men made it home alive Other countries rose up against France, captured Paris, and exiled Napoleon to the island of Elba The monarchy was restored in France Great Retreat, Winter

The Final Defeat The new king (Louis XVI’s brother) had little support Napoleon snuck back into France in 1815 and was well-received by the French Army He became determined to restore his empire At ________________________ in Belgium on JUNE 18, 1815 Napoleon met a British-Prussian army and suffered a huge defeat. This time, Napoleon was exiled to a teeny tiny island in the South Atlantic Ocean somewhere between South America and Africa Waterloo