NAWIC National Association of Women In Construction Chapter Structure While every effort has been made to ensure this presentation is accurate, neither the National Association of Women in Construction nor the author of the presentation accept liability for any damages resulting from the use of or reliance on the information contained in this presentation. The material in this presentation may not be changed without express written permission from the author. It may not be sold to others and is for use by the National Association of Women in Construction only.
Local History List Chapter Accomplishments and Awards Chartered date # of members List Chapter Accomplishments and Awards
Meetings Chapter 10 meetings per year 10 board meetings per year (6 must be construction related business) 10 board meetings per year Regional Annual Planning Conference (APC) Fall – familiar with duties, procedures and policies Annual Forum Spring – Educational seminars, Regional business – elect director and other association business
Duties of Officers President Preside at all meetings and chair of Board of Directors Can create any special committee Appoints members & chairs to standing & special committees except Nominating Committee – she will serve as ex-officio of all committees except she shall not be a member of the nominating committee. Must file all forms in a timely manner to protect the chapter’s non-profit status. 990 by 2/15 Chapter Officer Update by 7/15 Certificate of Voting Credentials by 7/01 Prepare Agenda Prepare Calendar for the year
Records should be kept 5 – 7 years Vice President Shall perform the duties of the President in her absence and succeed to the office if it becomes vacant Secretary Responsible for the permanent records, including minutes of the chapter meeting & board meetings All chapter correspondence Treasurer Shall be the custodian of all chapter funds Member of Finance committee Records should be kept 5 – 7 years
Board of Directors Members Exercise general supervision & control over Chapter business Approve the Chapters annual budget Shall present recommendations for action at regular chapter meetings Members Show up for meetings Volunteer for committees Follow the agenda
Bylaws Require: Construction Industry Membership To encourage chapters to participate in and sponsor activities that directly benefit the construction industry and provide positive recognition for the construction industry within the community Construction Expo WIC Week Habitat for Humanities Seminars (along with Ways & Means & Prof. Ed.) Membership Responsible for devising ways to increase and to maintain membership in NAWIC in conjunction with programs developed by the NAWIC Office Membership Packets Membership Open House
Committees Two types of committees Standing Special or ad hoc “The Working Machinery of an Organization” Carry out both routine & complex tasks Two types of committees Standing Called for in Standard Bylaws Perform the normal functions necessary for the operation of chapter Special or ad hoc Appointment stems from a new or current item of interest To consider or handle a single subject for its limited duration Length of time a committee operates depends on the issue
Standing Committees Professional Education Finance To develop programs and projects to educate NAWIC members about the construction industry and to promote professional and personal growth of members Tours Speakers Seminars (along with Ways & Means & Const. Ind.) Finance Prepare & submit budget for Board approval. Budget will show all income sources and amounts as well as all expenditures and amounts. The chair will receive budget input from other committee chairs. Consists of Incoming & Outgoing Presidents & Treasurers.
Special or ad hoc committees Bylaws Present bylaws amendments to the chapter when National makes bylaws changes and updates Chapter Standing Rules Chapter Standing Rules – adopted date Historian Takes pictures and maintains the chapter scrapbook Newsletter Will publish & distribute the chapter monthly newsletter. The President, Secretary & Committee chairs will provide monthly input. All members are encouraged to submit items of interest Scholarship Will oversee Chapter scholarship activities and provide input for the NAWIC Founders’ Scholarship Foundation
Special or ad hoc committees (cont.) Nominating – per Standard Bylaws Committee members are elected 2 from membership & 1 from the Board President does not serve on this committee Elect their own chair Elected by April Present slate of officers at May meeting Election must be held no later than the June meeting
Special or ad hoc committees (cont.) Ways & Means Responsible for chapter fundraising activities. Develop & present new fund raising activity programs Auction – November Golf Tournament - September Seminars (along with Prof. Ed. & Const. Ind.) Provide input to the Budget committee Coordinate with Treasurer to ensure that income & expenses follow the budget Provide status reports Serving on a committee provides basic training for future leaders.
Power Point Presentation Originated by: Amy Berg, 2001-2003 Region 13 Director Revised October 2003 by: Betty L. Goad, 2002-2004 Region 4 Director Debbie Gregoire, CIT-President Cleveland Chapter #156