‘If God is good, why doesn’t he do something about suffering?’ Do you ever wonder …. ‘If God is good, why doesn’t he do something about suffering?’
‘I just don’t believe the God of Christianity exists ‘I just don’t believe the God of Christianity exists. God allows terrible suffering in the world. So he might be either all-powerful but not good enough to end evil and suffering, or else he might be all good but not powerful enough to end evil and suffering. Either way the all-good, all-powerful God of the Bible couldn’t exist’ (From ‘The Reason for God’ - Tim Keller)
Suffering may be evidence for God rather than evidence against him! The sense of injustice that people express has no basis if there is no goodness (no God)
the Bible is emphatic that God has done something! Offers a way to face suffering with hope and courage rather than bitterness and despair.
the Bible is emphatic that God has done something! Offers a way to face suffering with hope and courage rather than bitterness and despair. Shows us that God does understand what it’s like to suffer
the Bible is emphatic that God has done something! Offers a way to face suffering with hope and courage rather than bitterness and despair. Shows us that God does understand what it’s like to suffer Shows us that suffering is not because he doesn’t love or care for people
the Bible is emphatic that God has done something! Offers a way to face suffering with hope and courage rather than bitterness and despair. Shows us that God does understand what it’s like to suffer Shows us that suffering is not because he doesn’t love or care for people Shows us that God has done something about suffering
the Bible is emphatic that God has done something! Doesn’t just offer consolation it actually promises restoration.
the Bible is emphatic that God has done something! Doesn’t just offer consolation it actually promises restoration. Promises that every horrible thing we experience will not be undone and repaired and will make the joy of heaven even greater!
‘I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18