Chapter 7 Objectives Explain why you should study intercultural communication Distinguish between cultures and co-cultures Provide examples of co-cultural strategies
Chapter 7 Objectives Explain potential intercultural communication problems Identify broad cultural characteristics Practice strategies for improving communication with people from other cultures and co-cultures
What is Intercultural Communication? The exchange of information between individuals who are unalike culturally
Reasons for Studying Intercultural Communication Communication with people from other cultures & co-cultures is common Money Curiosity Convergence of technologies Immigration has changed the face of America
What is a Culture? A unique combination of rituals, religious beliefs, ways of thinking, and ways of behaving that invite outsiders to see others as a unified member of a human group
What is a Co-Cultural Group? A group that exists within a larger dominant culture but differs from the dominant culture in some significant characteristic
Communication Goals for Marginalized Groups Assimilation goal Attempts to fit in with dominant culture Accommodation goal Keeps a co-cultural identity while striving for positive relationships with dominant culture Separation goal Relates exclusively with its own group and avoids contact with dominant culture
Intercultural Communication Problems Attribution and Perceptual Errors Ethnocentrism Stereotyping
Characteristics of Different Cultures Individualistic Value individual freedom, choice, uniqueness and independence Collectivist Value the group, family, tribe, clan and culture over the individual
Characteristics of Different Cultures Low Context Communication style emphasizes the source of the communication Intentions overtly stated High Context Much of the information about the source and intentions is understood and not explicitly stated
Characteristics of Different Cultures Uncertainty-accepting Tolerate ambiguity and diversity Uncertainty-rejecting Less tolerant of ambiguity and diversity
Characteristics of Different Cultures Implicit-rule Implied rules for behavior are implicitly known to all members of the culture Explicit-rule More likely to openly discuss procedures for action and expectations for behavior
Characteristics of Different Cultures Monochronic View time as compartmentalized between task, personal, and social dimensions Polychronic View time as culturally based and relationally oriented
Strategies for Improving Intercultural Communication Conduct a personal self-assessment Practice supportive communication behaviors Develop sensitivity toward diversity Avoid stereotypes Avoid ethnocentrism Develop code sensitivity
Strategies for Improving Intercultural Communication Seek shared codes Use and encourage descriptive feedback Open communication channels Manage conflicting beliefs and practices Learn to be reflexive