What is ‘Survey Monkey’? The obligation to evaluate everything you do as a professional; A website that offers a free online survey tool; A website that offers a subscription-based online survey tool; The term used to describe a member of admin staff who has nothing better to do.
What is ‘Survey Monkey’? The obligation to evaluate everything you do as a professional; A website that offers a free online survey tool; A website that offers a subscription-based online survey tool; The term used to describe a member of admin staff who has nothing better to do.
Login Details www.surveymonkey.com Username: survey@Aquinas Password: Allshallbewell
What information or data are you trying to capture? Your questions What information or data are you trying to capture? How many questions? Tick box or comments? Compulsory responses? Avoid option for non-committal responses caused by ‘survey fatigue’ e.g. ‘satisfactory’; don’t know’; ‘not applicable’