With your host: Mr. Morrison Chapter One Jeopardy! With your host: Mr. Morrison
Chapter One Jeopardy! Calendar Information History Terms Primary or Secondary? Miscellaneous Basic Terms $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
This is the name for any object that has been created by humans. What is an artifact? #2
This is the study of artifacts that humans have left behind. What is archaeology? #8
This is another name for an educated guess. What is a hypothesis? #9
This is a general label put on a group of people. What is a stereotype? #13
This is history passed on by word of mouth. What is Oral History? #20
This is what B.C. stands for. What is Before Christ? #1
This is what A.D. stands for and means in Latin. What is Anno Domani? #7
What is Before the Common Era? This is what B.C.E. stands for. What is Before the Common Era? #11
This is what C.E. stands for. What is the Common Era? #17
This is the study of the past. What is history? #23
This is a prejudgment. What is bias? #15
This is the imprint of a plant or animal left behind on a rock. What is a fossil? #22
This is the history of the world before the invention of writing. What is prehistory? #25
This is a writer of history. What is a historian? #14
This is another name for Oral History. What is Oral Tradition? #16
A cookbook from 1789 would be this type of source. What is a primary source? #24
A picture is this type of source. What is a primary source? #21
A student’s paper on Abraham Lincoln is this type of source. What is a secondary source? #18
The Declaration of Independence is this type of source. What is a primary source? #19
What is a primary source? A videotape of the presidential debates in 2004 would be this type of source. What is a primary source? #5
What is a primary source? This type of source comes from the period being studied. What is a primary source? #3
What is a primary source? A necklace made during World War 2 would be this type of source. What is a primary source? #6
What is a secondary source? This type of source is made after the historical event it is talking about. What is a secondary source? #10
What is a secondary source? This is the type of source your World History book is. What is a secondary source? #12
What is a secondary source? An article written about September 11th in 2011 is this type of source. What is a secondary source? #4
FINAL JEOPARDY The study of history ?
This is the degree that both the Equator and the Prime Meridian sit at. What is 0º(degrees)?